Monday, September 24, 2007

One Question

Suppose you could ask one question of a well-known or powerful person. And the person receiving the question is obligated to give a truthful and complete answer. Who would you want to ask your question of, and what would it be?

I've thought of a few:

George W Bush: Clearly you have resisted all pressure to close the borders to illegal immigrants. What is the real reason you've so obviously shirked your duties in border enforcement, especially given the current terror threats we face as a country?

Hillary Clinton: Why do you want to be President?

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: Where and when do you plan to detonate your nuclear weapons?

Vladimir Putin: Is your ultimate goal the re-establishment of the old communist Soviet Union?

Michael Moore: You are known for praising totalitarian communist regimes such as Cuba and Venezuela. Given that fact, are you suggesting you would have no problem if the government confiscated all of the proceeds from your latest film, "Sicko", redistributing the money to government bureaucrats who skim as much as they can off the top before giving the rest to poor people for welfare and healthcare?

Al Gore: Do you actually believe everything you're presenting in your movie and your speeches around the country about global warming, or is it just a highly lucrative gig for you and you know most of it is BS?

Any member of the United States Congress: For your next vote on whatever bill is brought to the floor, what is the primary influencer on your vote - what your party tells you to do, what your biggest campaign donors tell you to do, or what's best for the country and/or your district as a whole?

Any Prime Minister or President of a European Country (or Canada): Suppose the United States as a country decided we would no longer be the world police force. Suppose we brought our military home from around the world and changed their mission to simply protect our own borders against foreign attack. Suppose we told the rest of the world, "You're on your own. From now on, no military aid, no disaster relief, no food aid, etc. will be provided from the USA." Would you be comfortable with that decision?

Dan Rather: Are you really that delusional, or are you playing your current games for the benefit of the loonies who think you're out to prove their wild conspiracy theories might be true?

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