Thursday, September 06, 2007


Feeling ill. Allergy season always seems to bring on something nasty. It makes work much more difficult when I'm feeling miserable.

Watched the GOP President wannabe debate last night. Disappointing says it best. I actually wasn't impressed with the way Fox handled it, although they were certainly more serious and capable than those who have run the Democrat debates.

There are too many guys on the stage. Instead of learning something about the candidates, I just heard boring sound bites. Rudy was the worst, answering every question directed his way with "I sure was a great Mayor of New York!". !Yawn!

They didn't even bring up the topics that interest me. And other than the insane Ron Paul, nobody has much of anything different to say than anybody else on most topics. Nothing new, no creative ideas, not even much wit.

Before I get too down about the dearth of good candidates, I have to remind myself that an actual leader would never get elected. Nobody can lay out a strong and certain vision without being crucified, so we're stuck with a bunch of limp girly-men. Sometimes I think Hillary is more manly than most of the men running for President this year.

The hotel puts the NY Times outside my door every morning. I haven't read that rag much, but it's striking how far left the entire paper slants. Forget the editorials, all their news reports serve as left-wing editorials themselves. I've decided that in New York, if they even become aware of a different point of view on any topic, they apparently discard it out of hand. They can't imagine any sane person would view the world through any lens other than their own.

Their lens must have psychedelic colors and fun-house mirrors, they're so out of touch in most areas.

Must rest and watch Colts-Saints.

1 comment:

Catmoves said...

For the past twenty+ years, I have mourned the fact that there is no "None of The Above" box to put a check mark in.
Consider: If NOTA got the most votes, the parties would have to nominate other people until we had someone who got the most votes.