Friday, September 15, 2006

Terrorist Interrogation

Aside from the whole argument about whether turning up the air conditioner in the cell and playing the Red Hot Chili Peppers constitutes torture, I'm curious about something else.

Tell me the truth.

Suppose a close family member of yours - husband, wife, son, daughter, parent - has been kidnapped by Al Quaeda. Based on what they've done to most of their other western captives to date, there isn't much doubt about the horrible death your loved one faces.

Now imagine that a key Al Quaeda leader has been captured. There is no doubt that he knows where your loved one is being held, but he's not talking. You have been permitted 15 minutes alone with him in an interrogation room. What would you do?

I know what I'd do.


To get the information I need to find and rescue my loved one before it's too late. I wouldn't worry about whether the terrorist is uncomfortable with my methods of extracting the information so vital to saving my family member.

Do you think the US military and CIA should be stopped from any terrorist interrogation that some leftist pacifist might deem "torture"?

Seems like a simple decision to me.

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