Thursday, September 21, 2006

Kick out the United Nations?

The theatrics of this week at the United Nations has gone way over the line, and I think maybe the time has come to kick them out and stop giving them money. At least until they grow up and decide to become a truly effective international body.

Just a reminder. Without the United States, there would be no United Nations. We rescued the world from Hitler and Hirohito, only to see them replaced by Stalin and Mao. Yet we founded and hosted the UN out of the fervent hope that nations that keep talking to each other might be less likely to start fighting with each other.

Today that seems to have changed. The UN is now a corrupt den where enemies of the US do their level best every day to undermine and embarrass their host. Where "humanitarian relief" has been changed into "UN Officials' relief" with everybody up to and including the Secretary General's son skimming off most of the money meant for the poor, starving, and oppressed throughout the world. Where Saddam Hussein successfully paid off key government officials in France, Germany, and Russia so they would not support any US-led effort to crack down on his regime.

Thus this week's outrageous events. Fiction writers would never make up a story like this week, as they would dismiss it as totally implausible. In a transparent move to embarrass President Bush, the UN invited two of the United States' worst enemies, Ahmadinejad and Chavez, to speak right after him. This week the UN came to our home and defecated all over the living room carpet.

Who gives more money than everyone else combined to help the poorest of third world nations and bail the world out of natural disasters? US.

Where does the UN get most of it's money? US.

Who has the largest and strongest military on the planet so countries from Canada to Germany to Japan can rest secure in our protection and spend all of their own money on socialist programs? US.

Who will the world run to for protection as soon as Iran or Venezuela or North Korea starts launching nukes at their neighbors? US.

We're like the long-suffering father of a bunch of ungrateful and unruly children. Maybe it's time to kick them out of the house and let them fend for themselves for awhile.

1 comment:

N said...

i think the UN should go away. in it's current form it is worse than worthless.

the easiest way to do so is almost certainly to completely cut off US involvement. we don't need to pay for our friends dinners for the rest of eternity.