Thursday, August 17, 2006

Sigh and Shake Your Head

That's all we can do.

The UN successfully got Israel to back off in Lebanon. Hezbollah claims victory. They are right. they did win. Israel lost. It remains to be seen how badly. Anybody remember their kidnapped soldiers? Care to guess their fate?

Iran continues their nuclear weapons development program. The UN continues to dither and do nothing.

Democrats are optimistically predicting they will own the congress at year-end, when they will impeach Bush and pull all our troops out of Iraq.

Major planned airliner attacks were foiled last week. Democrats blamed the Bush administration for failing to do the right things to protect us (say what?). The ACLU found a lefty judge that was happy to play along and order the government to suspend all international terrorist eavesdropping. Such eavesdropping which appears to have played a substantial role in foiling last week's attacks.

Our borders are still unsecured.

The courts say we can't hold enemy terrorist combatants.

Iran today sent soldiers out in Tehran to smash all the satellite dishes on top of the city's buildings.

August 22nd is a date of some significance for the Islamic terrorists.

Scared yet?


N said...

the battle the isreal lost was not one of guns, no, they were kicking butt in the shooting kind of war. israel lost the propaganda war. moral fiber is for losers - to win, you've got to lie to the people who can help you do it.

Dan S. said...

Causal looks like a blog spammer. A kook blog spammer. Want to live in his (or her) fantasy world?

How about this - impeach Bush. Let me think. Oh yeah, that makes Cheney President.

Idiot wierdo freaks.