Wednesday, August 02, 2006

The Case for Chastity

This isn't intended to be preachy or prudish or anything of the sort. In fact, let's just take for granted that the Christian religion generally suggests that sex outside of marriage is considered sinful.

Instead of going into the obvious religious arguments, let me try to make the argument from a practical point of view. There are lots of things that can result from sexual activity outside of marriage. And most of them are bad.

The case for chastity:

1. There is absolutely no risk of contracting one of the many sexually transmitted diseases.
2. There is absolutely no risk of unplanned pregnancy.
3. The corollary to #2; there is no risk of compounding the problem with an abortion, or having to give up a child forever to adoption.
4. There is no risk of a shotgun wedding.
5. A man and woman can date without pressure for sex.
6. A dating relationship without sex lets the couple focus on their compatibility instead of their libido. The couple can discover much more quickly whether or not they are compatible, and the breakup is much less painful and difficult.
7. The anticipation related to waiting for marriage is the definition of "marital bliss".
8. Those couples who save it for marriage are must more likely to be highly compatible, committed, and disciplined, which serves both very well for their lifetimes together.
9. Side effects, cancer, sterility and diseases caused by artificial birth control are absent.
10. Divorce is much less likely when a couple marries because of mutual love and understanding not clouded by sex.
11. Those who have had multiple partners tend to view sex as "no big deal", therefore they are much more likely to continue side affairs after marriage.
12. The memory of previous sexual partners doesn't hang over the couple's marriage like a black cloud.

As you see, I've made a compelling case for chastity without bringing religion into the argument. From my perspective, to whatever degree one's faith is important, it should only enhance the practical reasons presented for waiting. Sure, supposedly strong and committed Christian young people have been reported in studies to be just as sexually active as their less religious peers. I attribute that more to the strength of the natural reproductive drive than anything else. Deciding on chastity and sticking to that choice might be one of the most difficult but rewarding ventures anyone ever undertakes in life.

If this post just gets one or two people thinking, I'll be thrilled.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Right on, brother! I've printed this out and plan to pass it on to any youth I can. If all the teenagers in the schools today would read this, the world could become a different place.