Thursday, August 24, 2006

If CNN was all there was, I'd be ignorant too

Spending the week in Canada, the only news I've been able to see is CNN.

For a person like myself who wants the facts, and only the facts, so I can make up my own mind about the news, it feels sort of like what it must have been like in Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union. Or today in places like Cuba and China and Iran.

CNN does every story with a backdrop message about Bush. Like I've written before, whatever is going wrong in the world is Bush's fault.

There was this panel discussion on Iran and their nuclear program, their support for Hezbollah, and their designs on becoming the dominant power in the middle east. Surprisingly, two of the three guys on the panel were discussing their opinions about what can and should be done to try to solve the problem before Iran gets out of control and starts blowing up the planet.

But the third guy, identified as a "Democrat Strategist", didn't want to talk about solutions. He only wanted to talk about Bush. He held a little contest for himself to see how many negative adjectives he could throw out disparaging the President before the discussion ended. He was challenged by the host, then later by another panelist, to get off the President for a moment and tell everyone what should be done about the problem. He didn't have a solution of his own, unless you consider impeachment or some other means of removing Bush from office a solution.

I laughed out loud when caught by surprise by one of the panelists, who got so frustrated with the guy that he basically called him a naive idiot. On CNN, no less! I guess he won't be asked back on any panels anytime soon.

In case you were wondering, I have a solution for Iran and North Korea that nobody's talking about. I think it's a very simple solution that doesn't require military action. President Bush should go to Russia and China and tell them straight: As clients and arms suppliers to both Iran and North Korea, we will hold you responsible for any aggressive moves made by either country. That means if you don't lead the effort to stop the craziness of Ahmadinijad and Kim Jong Il, we will impose economic sanctions, not just on those countries, but on you!

Close the American consumer market to Russia and China even for a little while and see how fast they shut the lid on those rogue states.

It seems to me that if we had the courage to take out Saddam in Iraq, surely we've got the guts to get tough on trade with Russia and China to get what we need from them to assure peace.

But of course, the stupid and ignorant and CNN viewers can't think for themselves about solutions. They're only capable of yelling "Bush S*^ks" and blaming him, the military, and the oil companies for all the world's problems.

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