Thursday, May 03, 2007

This I can Respect

The cross-section of high profile entertainers that have become political activists has for the most part disgusted me. Singers and actors who probably couldn't find Iraq on a world map seem to think it's en vogue to run around the country comparing Bush to Hitler do nothing productive besides offending half of their past and potential future fans. I think it was Laura Ingraham who put it best when she said, "Shut up and sing". My sentiments exactly.

There is a notable exception, and I'm surprised to hear myself admitting it. Brad and Angelina. I had always figured Brad for a sort of airhead shallow Hollywood type, and Angelina seemed like a frightening woman who seems more than a little bit crazy.

Where their politics lie isn't important to me. It's the fact that their advocacy is focused on helping children in the third world. They've been to those countries and spent a lot of their own time and money trying to help. They've even adopted a gaggle of orphans from different poor countries. You can't adopt every orphan on the planet, even if you are a multi-millionaire. But I have to respect the fact that they are motivated by a real care and concern for children.

For the rest of the entertainment crowd, I sort of hope they take the cue from Brad and Angelina. Instead of playing destructive and partisan politics in the comfort of your opulent American homes, how about doing something positive that actually helps somebody? I have no respect for a performer who trashes Republicans on stage in front of a few thousand fans who paid a hundred bucks each to hear them sing and were surprised to find a political rally instead.

Dixie Chicks, adopted any orphans lately? Tim and Susan, have you helped feed, clothe, or house any refugees? Michael Moore, have you helped anybody escape totalitarian oppression?

Here's a new idea: Let's modify "Shut up and sing" to "Shut up and help".

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