Monday, May 28, 2007

Narcissism as Religion

It seems as if the narcissists have taken power. A brief look around the public square these days would seem to confirm this theory.

Abortion and Gay "Rights" is all about proponents of those particular lifestyles mounting campaigns aimed at silencing those who dare to suggest their choices are immoral. After defeating any laws that made such behavior illegal, they now seek to pass new laws designed to silence and criminalize those who would still dare to hold such outdated morality. It seems that demands for "gay marriage" are less about homosexuals desiring to make lifetime commitments to their partners than they are about silencing, marginalizing, and even criminalizing those who continue to consider such behavior immoral. Those who characterize people who find the practice of partial-birth abortions as religious extremists are covering their ears and screaming to avoid hearing any facts that such procedures are, in fact, infanticide.

The politicization of the global warming issue is not really about solving any actual environmental problems. Instead, the politics are aimed at new and creative methods of extracting more taxes from the rich. It's interesting to note that the largest proponents of these massive new taxes (read Carbon Credits) almost universally exempt themselves from the very sanctions they propose to impose on others (Al Gore, anyone?).

It's fasinating that rich folks like Corporate CEO's and Investment Bankers and especially Oil Barons deserve to be punished with huge taxes, supposedly to benefit the poor folks. But rich Democrats that inherited their wealth and entertainers and athletes would seem to be exempt. When I listen to the openly socialist folks talk about punishing the rich, it's fascinating to note how selective they are in defining rich.

Healthcare is even a narcissistic issue, in the sense that those who stridently argue for a government-run system seem to believe that access to free medical care is some sort of fundamental human right. Therefore, the argument must have the corollary that it is the right of people who can't afford (or don't want to pay for) their own medical care to use the power of government to confiscate that money from those who have it. Pure socialism exemplified.

It seems that the Democrat party has recognized the shift of the society into a populace of self-involved narcissists. They are playing to that constituency with amazing success. What the narcissists aren't smart enough to figure out is that Democrats aren't about making that constituency the center of the universe. Good old fashioned power and wealth drive politics as they always have. Their ignorant narcissistic worshippers will never see a better life by putting them in power. The only beneficiaries of this movement are those politicians themselves, who will pocket most of the resources they extort from the rich in gigantic new bureaucracies and under-the-table graft.

The payback for our naieve narcissists is a lower standard of living. Sure, they might get the new right to stand in long lines for free substandard medical care. But their jobs will dry up as formerly "rich" corporate types move their operations out of the country to more favorable places. They will have to sell their illegal polluting cars and ride a bicycle or a bus to work, because only a rich Democrat party member can afford an actual hybrid car.

At least they can revel in the knowledge that those evil rich people got what was coming to them.

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