Friday, July 01, 2005

Independence Day

OK, I took the survey:

Take the MIT Weblog Survey

So finishing up a big project today felt kind of good. The work is complete, everything went pretty well, and I get to take a few days off. Then, hopefully, on to the next project. What I need to do is work on soliciting my own direct contract so I can escape from the low rates and slow paying clutches of the old software company.

I'm unaware of any specific plans for the holiday weekend, other than some time at the JC fair Saturday night. Too bad I'm the only one in my family who enjoys county fairs. Let's see if I can get Chris on the Tilt-a-Whirl (he hates it). I enjoy looking at all the animals and projects, walking through the commercial booths, and stuffing down that great "fair food".

So at the right hourly rate, which I won't put here but is a bargain compared to the rates charged by the company I subcontract with, it would be my dream to work 3 days a week indefinitely at a place within driving distance, getting maybe a week off every quarter on average. That's perfect, enough work to keep busy and interested and financially OK, along with enough time off to have a life outside of business. Some say if you can dream it, you can make it happen - OK, that's my dream for right now. Let's make it happen.

Two hundred and twenty-nine years ago, our great big nation was born here in the new world. A grand experiment in a new system of government was begun which enabled the nation to grow into the most prosperous and powerful country in the world. Now there are forces arrayed against this country from both within and without that seek to destroy either the nation itself or its government by and for the people.

This Independence Day, I hope everyone takes some time to think about the legacy of the place we live and resolve to do just a little bit over the next year to help restore and strengthen those things that made it great.

Happy 4th!

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