Monday, March 07, 2005

About Nothing

Today's update is really about nothing much. I had a long weekend trying to get my business financials up to date. Talk about learning a lesson - I'm going to keep up monthly from now on, because recreating almost a year's worth of transactions in Quickbooks is a nightmare.

Finished CASA training today, and did pretty well on the final exam even though I've missed 3 sessions. Looks like I'll be able to make up one of the sessions on Wednesday, plus I've got to visit a court hearing Thursday morning. They want to swear us in next Tuesday, when I'm scheduled to be in Chicago. Maybe I could make the trip home in the afternoon and drive back on Wednesday, but I hope by some miracle they change the swearing-in date to something I can make. But then again, the only weekday I'll be in town the rest of this month is, what, Good Friday I think.

Gotta go to the dentist, because one of my old crowns popped off at lunchtime. That's uncomfortable, but fortunately not painful. I think it was coming loose for awhile there, because I was feeling something strange in that general area of the mouth the last week or so. I'm just glad I'm not out of town this week, having to wait a whole week to get back home and in to the dentist to get it re-cemented.

Interesting that now we have the FAFSA's in, the colleges are sending us letters asking us to prove it. The small net income from last year, that is. They must be incredulous about the precipitous drop in income over last year. At least there's one positive to starting a new business that barely made expenses the first year. Maybe both Nick and Tim will get full rides next year. Yeah, and I'll probably win the lottery.

Oh well, this year's shaping up to be much better, so I should just enjoy the better college aid programs while I can.

Lately I'm feeling kind of disappointed in the boys. Both of the two older ones are especially disappointing me lately. For some reason all I've seen from both of them lately is incredible self-absorption, lack of any attempt to try to understand or comply with the simplest of their parents' requests, near total disrespect, and no apparent ability to take responsibility for themselves.

It's my fault, I guess. Somehow I've failed to instill the most basic values and life skills in the boys. My fear is that they're going to continue to be self-absorbed, dependent, rude, and inconsiderate. My failure is most likely due to my absence during most of their development years. They don't respect either parent, rebelling against their mother's strict correction and just ignoring me. It's totally wrecked my mood today.

On the other hand, I think this might be very common for young people their age. Let's hope so. If nothing else, I hope someday to hear from them at least that they understand what we were trying to do even though they rebelled against it.

Well, time to wrap up another 12-hour workday. Gotta find something for dinner that will work with the dental problem.

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