Saturday, October 05, 2013

We Live on Different Planets

A long time ago I did a post where I put forward the theory that Conservatives live on Earth, while Liberals live on some other planet, say Venus.  A little play on the popular book from a couple decades ago, "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus".

Proof can be found in just a look at the headlines in Here's a sampling:

The War on Obamacare is Far from Over
House GOP's Terrible, Tragic Game
Obama's Reckless Default Fear-Mongering
Manning the Barrycades of Punitive Liberalism
The Rise of the New Confederacy
An Entitlement-Driven Disaster Looms for America
The Benefits of Intransigence
Obama Plays Politics with Veterans
Next for Wendy Davis: Winning over Texas
California's New Feudalism
Staring Down the Irrational Wing of the GOP
The House is Doing its Job
The President Shouldn't Encourage Panic
Unreasonable Tea Party Drags Nation into Turmoil
Pent-Up Demand for Health Insurance
Ben Carson's IRS Audit Can't Possibly Be Coincidence

I'll bet you can tell whether each of the above articles came from the Right and which from the Left without reading them.  Some aren't obvious, but most are.  The only hopeful sign I take from the list is that conservative points of view seem to be outnumbering liberal ones about two-to-one.

We can only hope that reflects a shift in thinking by Americans.  The country's only hope is that a large segment of the population suddenly begins to realize they've been supporting the insane Venutians and begin to at least listen to what the Earthings have to say.

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