Dear Senator Dan Coats, Senator Joe Donnelly, and Congressman Luke Messer:
As the three members of the Indiana delegation, by all appearances you have failed me and the rest of the Indiana citizens who voted to send each of you to Washington, DC as our representatives.
I remember your campaigns. You promised to be fiscally responsible, to fend off "Special Interests" in favor of American interests, and to always vote in the interests of the Hoosiers you represent.
Two of the three of you promised to do everything in your power to roll back the horrific law everyone now calls "Obamacare". The third, Donnelly, promised to be a "common sense" representative of Hoosiers who would break with the Democratic Party when their initiatives run afoul of the best interests of Indiana citizens.
Gentlemen, the evidence I've seen to date strongly suggests you didn't mean a word you said on the campaign trail. You seem to have been enticed into the Washington club, where the vices of elitism and special treatment trap so many well-meaning legislators from around the country. You become creatures of Washington who have all but forgotten the struggling folks back home you were sent to represent.
Senator Coats, if you really oppose the Affordable Care Act, why did you join with Democratic senators to roundly condemn your colleague Ted Cruz when he tried to mount a campaign to encourage grass roots Americans to join together to force either repeal or substantial rethinking of the most destructive law ever passed by congress, which negatively affects the health care of every American?
Senator Donnelly, send me one example of when you voted against your party because their position would have been harmful to average Hoosiers. If you have an example it must be pretty obscure, because you have voted exactly as Harry Reid has ordered on every issue that's come before the Senate since you managed to grab the seat by dishonestly exploiting a verbal gaffe by an admittedly weak Republican candidate.
Why have none of you come home to enlist the help of your constituents in finding the truth behind a multitude of Executive branch scandals? Where were you when Fast & Furious came to light? When our ambassador and 3 others were murdered by terrorists in Benghazi and the State Department colluded with the White House to make up a false cover story? When the White House shut down oil production in the Gulf of Mexico after the BP disaster had been addressed? As the White House still blocks construction of the pipeline that will help facilitate the movement of oil from Canada to our refineries in the United States, offering no reasonable explanation?
Where is your outrage that the Federal Reserve buys 85 billion dollars in United States government debt every single month, watering down the value of every dollar we citizens have scraped together in hope of a decent retirement? Do you not care that the Executive Branch has now been proven to be using the IRS to suppress and harrass all groups that support their political opposition, and even after those practices were brought to light seem to be continuing those practices?
Are First Amendment violations none of your concern? When the Executive Branch openly discriminates against people who hold Christian values? When the military is forced to change their regulations regarding homosexual behavior and record incidents are occurring of unwanted sexual advances? As the Executive Branch also pushes for expedited promotion of homosexual officers, do you not care that some of those officers use their new positions of authority to mistreat Christian soldiers?
What about 17 Trillion dollars in national Debt? At least all three of you promised to do something about that, but where's the evidence? When have any of you proposed the reduction in spending of a single dollar from the federal budget?
The purpose of this letter is to remind you why you are serving in the national legislature. You are not there to join the wealthy elite, to wine and dine with dignitaries and celebrities and take exotic junkets. You are there as a representative of average Hoosiers, to at least try your best to reduce the impact of big government on our families and farms and small businesses. To preserve our liberty and allow us to pursue our dreams.
Please try to remember.
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