Wednesday, June 05, 2013

The Age of Ignorance

What if your government is persecuting Christians?  Suppressing the speech of groups that oppose the President?  Subjecting news reporters to illegal surveillance?  Lying to the citizens about the events surrounding a terrorist attack that killed an Ambassador for the first time in 30 years?

Would that upset you?  Would it cause you to join millions of American voices demanding that those guilty of these illegal, unethical and immoral breaches of trust be removed from office immediately?

For most Americans, apparently not.

Perhaps a third of us know about these things and are outraged.

Another third know a little about them, but discount them because
a. They refuse to believe it and chalk it up to partisan politics
b. They don't see anything wrong with it
c. They might have heartburn over it, but consider the alternative (a Conservative government) to be unacceptable.

The last third knows nothing and cares even less.

Watching excerpts of the Capitol Hill hearings last night brought it home to me that this government considers me their enemy.  Because I tend to share the outlook of the groups represented in the hearing and heard the insulting comments from McDermott and Blumenauer, who expressed an attitude that those groups and viewpoints have no right to exist.

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