Friday, June 07, 2013

Known Truths of Scandals

We know all we need to know about the Benghazi, IRS, and Press investigation scandals.  The truths that are known are enough to disqualify both the President and his Secretary of State from continuing to hold their offices.  I'll explain.

The easiest truth is the answer to the question, "Did Eric Holder lie to congress about investigating James Rosen and other reporters?"

The answer is an unqualified YES.  Attempts to expain it away by trying to suggest that Holder never intended to bring charges is merely a distraction.  The question wasn't asking if he intended to bring charges, but if his organization ever targeted reporters for criminal investigation and surveillance.  The answer to the question is yes, but Holder said no.  He lied to congress.

Next, Benghazi.

Everybody's focused on the "smoking gun" that names the President, Hillary, or members of either of their senior staff with concocting the lie that was spread for over a month after the 9/11 incident about a spontaneous protest over a video that insulted Mohammed.  That whole story was manufactured from scratch, and we know that high level staffers under Hillary and at the White House were behind it.

Whether Hillary and Barack were involved in creating the message themselves is not something that needs to be proven.  Both ran with the story even after everybody in the world knew it was false, and it became clear that even they had to know it was false.

They lied to the American people and were guilty of failure to protect their own Ambassador from being brutally abused and murdered when the entire incident could have been avoided to begin with, then the commandos that were locked and loaded and ready to proceed on a rescue mission were ordered to stand down.

There's no need to find out whether Obama issued the stand down order.  It's his job, therefore it's his failure.

Finally, the IRS.

Once again, the focus seems to be on finding another "smoking gun" that directly ties the illegal harrassment by the IRS of groups considered hostile by the Administration.  No smoking gun is required.

We know that Lois Lerner ran the program.  She was put into that position by the White House.  Can we pretend for a moment that she proceeded with this comprehensive program to damage Tea Party groups and cause their funding to dry up so they could not effectively spread their message that would have been harmful to Obama's re-election efforts?

At a minimum, we can say that since Obama benefited from her activities, there was little motivation to put a stop to them as soon as congressional inquiries began to be launched.  All the White House had to do was delay and deny, and order their appointed IRS Commissioners to do the same.  It is impossible for the two administrators to have been ignorant of these practices, as they attempted to claim in their testimony before congress. 

They lied.

It is also impossible to believe that the first commissioner visited the White House nearly 150 times and did not discuss groups and individuals the President wanted targeted.  Otherwise, beyond the simple keywords of "Tea Party", "Patriots", and "Constitution", how would the IRS have known to audit True the Vote and individuals that were disliked by the Administration?

The IRS continues to lie.

One final point:

If Obama indeed is shocked and appalled at the behavior of the IRS and his Attorney General, what has he done about it?  He announced that his IRS Administrator was asked to resign.  But the guy was within a month of leaving that post anyway, and by the way is receiving full federal government retirement benefits.

He's done nothing else.  Not one thing.  He's reaffirmed his confidence in Eric Holder.  Lois Lerner at least has been placed on Leave, but she pulls her full salary.

Corruption. Dishonesty.  Unethical and illegal behavior.  The hallmarks of the Obama presidency.

If Congress had an ounce of character, Impeachment would already be on the floor.

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