Friday, June 14, 2013

GOP Losing My Respect

I've long been suspicious that the Republican "Establishment" does not really hold to the principled conservative standards of those of us out here in the hinterlands.  Now with the Immigration bill, they're proving to be untrustworthy.

Those ads that play every day touting Marco Rubio and Paul Ryan supporting comprehensive immigration reform is the proof.  OK, I know the ads are being run by a third party special interest organization that happens to be focused on passing an amnesty bill.

The ad is a lie.  It says that the bill forces border security first: Lie.  That illegal immigrants have to learn English, pay a fine, and go to the back of the line for citizenship consideration.  Learning English is a toothless provision.  The reality of the fine is also questionable.  Back of the line means they get a green card but can's apply for citizenship for maybe a decade.

What really angers me is the opening of the ad, referring to our "broken" immigration system.  The only reason it's broken is because the President refuses to enforce the law.  Congress already passed laws to build fences and beef up border security, which were promptly ignored.  Bush ignored it, then Obama illegally rewrote the laws to suit his own political agenda.

The system isn't broken.  What's broken is the lawless Whitehouse and Homeland Security Department. 

When will somebody speak up and tell Americans the truth?  The truth is that we have plenty of laws on the books to solve the illegal immigration problem - we don't need a new "reform" law.  The truth is that Obama does what he wants and ignores the law, so the only choices to fix the broken system are to figure out a way to force Obama and Napolitano to follow the law or impeach them both and replace them with competent people who will respect and enforce the laws as written.

They won't force Obama to enforce anything he doesn't want to enforce, and the Democrat-controlled Senate won't allow an impeachment measure to even make it onto the floor for debate.  So just stop lying about this new legislation and drop it until we get a new President.  (I'm talking to you, Marco Rubio.) 

I'm picking on Rubio because he's the Republican who has disappointed me the most.  I lost respect for John McCain and Lindsey Graham years ago, but it saddens me that Rubio is willing to lie to us to move this bill forward. 

I feel like the voice crying out in the wilderness. 

Please, for once, just enforce the laws!

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