Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Millions to Study What?

Stories were floating around about all the stupid stuff the Federal Government is wasting their money on, and one of them in particular caught my interest.

The story goes something like this:

The NIH has awarded $1.5 Million to study biological and social factors for why three-quarters of lesbians and why gay males are not, calling it an issue of "high public health significance".  Besides being an amazing opening for a bunch of politically incorrect fat lesbian jokes, the announcement is great evidence of a Federal bureaucracy run amok.

Then I thought about it for a minute.  I wondered how they already knew that 3/4 of lesbian women are fat?  Likewise how do they know that gay men aren't?  I've been acquainted with gay men who are fat and lesbian women who aren't, but would have to say that among my limited universe of homosexual acquaintances, those ratios do seem approximately accurate.

Then I wondered whether the study will be honest.  Because if it is, I don't think they're going to like the results.  Because given my admittedly limited universe of homosexual acquaintances, I can make these general observations.

Gay men seem to be universally attracted to the pre-teen adolescent.  Therefore they assiduously cultivate that look, presumably to attract other gay men.  I'd say gay men are on the same prowl for partners as Jerry Sandusky.  Other studies that have been very carefully buried suggest that most gay males grew up in a household with a single mother where Mom maintained a revolving door of boyfriends, some of whom molested the kid (or kids).  Which brings on a horrible self-image, sexual confusion, then ending up with the kid joining an all-too-welcoming gay community.  He wasn't born that way, but by the time he comes of age he feels like he has no other choice.

Lesbians I've found have a serious problem with men in general.  It often borders on irrational.  They mistrust all of their male co-workers and hate their male bosses.  Many lesbians I know dress like men and project a masculine attitude.  So they're pretty self-indulgent and don't have time to fuss over their figure like their straight counterparts.  If a lesbian doesn't hate you, (which is more likely if you're a co-worker and not her boss) she can be fun to hang out with, because she loves to go out to drink beer and eat pizza and watch sports.  She loves to be part of the gang. So that's a pretty easy outcome to predict.

Something I find rather universal among gays in general is that they've compromised in all facets of life.  Gay men are typically cordial and polite in the workplace, even though I can't say the same of lesbians.  But regardless of gender, if you catch them in a social situation where they "let their hair down", you will quickly find out they almost universally display depraved behavior.

I've also discovered that gays and lesbians are more likely to compromise their workplace ethics.  They'll lie, cheat, steal, scheme, and undermine anybody to get ahead.  It would be a mistake to assume a homosexual in your workplace isn't a threat to your job or workplace harmony if they covet your position.  As long as you've got nothing they want, they will become your good friend and pleasant co-worker.  Not to suggest they'll always be a problem for you as subordinates, since that certainly isn't something I've seen in every case.  Of course heterosexuals are just as capable of bad behavior, it just seems to me that homosexuals can more easily put aside moral and ethical standards because they've already done so in their personal lifestyle.

My prediction is that when the study reveals results that refute the popular culture mythology, it will be unceremoniously tossed into the trash.  Don't bother to try to ask a federal bureaucrat, "Say, whatever happened to that study you guys were doing about fat lesbians?".  The bureaucrat will not give you a straight answer.

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