Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Has anyone ever done anything more narcissistic than The Donald did this week?

He teased everyone on Monday about some earthshattering announcement coming about Obama due Wednesday.  People everywhere breathlessly awaited some sort of expose: Was it some sort of evidence on the Birther thing?  Was it the court filings for divorce rumored to have been created by Michele at some point?  Was it about Obama's drug use and possible drug dealing with cocaine and marijuana in his college days? Could it have been some bombshell information about Obama's behavior in College or during his Community Organizer days?

Nope, none of that.  The attention-seeking Trump announced he would give Obama's favorite charity 5 million dollars if he released his hidden records - Occidental, Columbia, Harvard.  Applications, writings, scholarships, etc.  Plus his Passport application.  Obama can clear up once and for all the rumors that he applied to college claiming to be from Kenya, supposedly to get special consideration and maybe scholarship money.  Plus what seems the even more likely proof that he was a poor student.

But Obama will simply laugh it off, make fun of Trump in a couple of speeches, and ignore the offer.  Trump can of course suggest that Obama's ignoring the offer represents some sort of proof that Obama has something to hide.  Yeah, probably.

Obama might try to finesse the deal by agreeing to release the records, then making sure the release gets delayed somehow until November 7th.  Oops.  Pay up, Donald!

How much more crazy can things get?  The Richard Murdock flap is pretty crazy - Murdock didn't say anything outrageous, but the media's doing their best to spin it to make him out to be another version of Missouri's Todd Aiken.  It's a desperation ploy executed by the media on behalf of the Democrats to try to destroy another GOP candidate.  Sad thing is, it will probably work.

Then there's Gloria Allred, somewhere out there trying to dig up court records that she hopes will embarrass Mitt Romney.  She's done it before and will do it again, and people will fall for it.

As the Chinese might say, we're living in interesting times.

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