Friday, October 05, 2012

Still Shocking Me with Outrageous Behavior

The petulant behavior of the president after being embarrassed in Wednesday's debate went beyond my expectations.  I knew the narcissist-in-chief would probably be less than gracious in defeat, but he went far beyond a sore loser.

He immediately sought out a friendly venue (a Colorado university campus) and showed everyone just how unpresidential he can be.  He threw a tantrum of the type we'd punish our 8 year old who screams "cheaters!" at members of the baseball team that just beat his team by the 10 run rule.  As we know, Barry never had a father to pull him aside and give him the lesson about being a good sport.  He never had a Dad to explain to him that you congratulate the victor, then go work harder so you have a chance to win next time.

Obama's debate strategy was fully and completely focused on destroying Romney.  Because Obama's team knew he had no accomplishments he could brag about, the only remaining option was to try to make Romney look like an unacceptable alternative to the voters.

What really ticked Barry off was that Romney didn't cooperate.  Every time Obama threw a punch at the challenger, it was parried aside easily.
Obama: "Your plan gives a 5 Trillion dollar tax break to the wealthy and increase taxes $2,500 on everyone in the middle class!"
Romney: "That's not true.  Now listen as I explain the truth about my tax plan."

As the night went on, Obama would level an outrageous charge and Romney would refute it.  Until Obama just gave up.

The Obama sycophants in the media who were appalled and demoralized by the thrashing their president received have been trying to figure out why their messianic president didn't bring out the "big guns" against Romney.  Like the 47 percent comment.

Excuse me, all you wild-eyed Liberals at MSNBC and the rest of the leftist television networks:  Obama's at least smart enough to know when to quit.  After having every punch turned aside, then being knocked down by the counter-punch, the only way to survive is to raise  your guard and try to minimize any further damage.

For example, if Obama had tried to throw the 47 percent attack at Romney, he had to know it would have been effectively refuted, then used as an opening to hammer Obama on one of his own, much more outrageous gaffes.  I think Obama's at least smart enough to know that manufactured characterizations of Romney policy proposals that work so well out on the campaign trail in front of adoring audiences get destroyed in any venue where the truth actually matters.

So he saved his favorite Romney attack lines for the stump.  Because if he pulled out "47 percent" in the debate and allowed Mitt to point out how terribly out of context it's been used, he won't be able to use it credibly anymore out in front of his brainwashed masses.

Now Obama's campaign strategy is "Mitt Romney's a liar".  It makes me wonder, after spending the last 6 months making campaign speeches full of lies and mischaracterizations against your opponent, have you actually started to believe what you're saying every day?  Is that why you're so surprised when they get shot down in the first debate, and therefore have you really convinced yourself he's a liar for pointing out those things you've come to believe are actually false?

Those network sycophants have been broadcasting the same lies for so long that they forgot what is the truth long ago. 

Is there any advice I could offer Barry that might save his campaign?  Not really.  Continue the dishonest campaign and you'll still be guaranteed all the votes of the leftists who have no other choice, plus the ignorant who will never know what's true.  That might still turn out to be your winning formula, but I hope not. 

But if you have any desire to find some personal integrity, just abandon the strategy your campaign team has been calling "kill Romney", and try the truth for a change.  Give people the whole truth about what you intend to do with your second term - tell us you intend to move past the charade of Obamacare and impose your version of Medicare for everyone.  Tell us you intend to nationalize the energy industry.  Tell us you'll support United Nations initiatives for Global Governance, Global Taxation, and Gun Control.  Tell us you intend to outlaw Christianity.  That you will act to destroy the state of Israel and turn that tiny strip of land over to the Muslim Palestinians.  That you will redistribute all American wealth, not just to American poor, but to the poor nations around the world.  Tell us that you will stop all development of fossil fuels and force America to get our energy only from "clean and renewable" sources.  Tell us if your plans include overturning the term limits for Presidents so you can become Dictator for Life.

At least then we finally will know what sort of country we are voting to have in the future.

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