Saturday, July 14, 2012

Speaking of Truth and Liars

Ironically we've been subjected to the Obama campaign talking points hammering Romney as an outsourcer and perhaps criminal for stashing some money in Swiss and Bermuda banks.

The truth of the outsourcer charge is that it's a lie.  There's no evidence that Romney personally ordered, suggested, or otherwise facilitated the outsourcing of American jobs to foreign countries while with Bain Capital.  And of course, there's also no evidence that Romney broke any laws by opening offshore bank accounts.

But to the Obama campaign, the truth is irrelevant.  The objective for them is never to tell the truth, but rather to create a narrative against Romney that will make him an unacceptable alternative to Obama to occupy the White House.

They understand that the typical voter doesn't pay any attention whatsoever to the campaign.  So all they have to do is saturate the airwaves with simple themes that those uninformed folks can't avoid hearing.

So talk to the average American, and you might hear things like "Romney only cares about his rich friends", or "Romney's policies will destroy the environment", or "Romney wants to outsource even more jobs to China", or "Romney wants to destroy Medicare and Social Security", or "I heard Romney is a tax cheat who has millions of dollars stashed away in Swiss bank accounts".

Those people are Obama voters.  Not one of those sentences is true, but they will believe them all anyway.

If Romney wants to play that game, he could saturate the airwaves with ads putting out his own simple messages against Obama.  Like Obama's a communist who is transforming America into the Soviet Union.  Or Obama's plan is to bankrupt America so he can rise from the rubble as our dictator.  Or Obama will destroy the churches and trample the first amendment to impose a officially secular and atheistic society. Or Obama wants to deny us our home heating, air conditioning and electricity and purposely drive up our pump price for gas to an unaffordable 10 bucks a gallon.

Oh wait, most of those are probably true.

Doesn't matter though, because whatever message Romney wants to put out there is ignored by the press.  What they can't ignore they'll just try to refute as racist propaganda.  Romney can't get anything through the media filter, which is now the functional equivalent of the Soviet Pravda.  Nothing that casts the great leader in less than a positive light will reach the ears of the public.

Word of mouth isn't going to work either.  Obama democrats refuse to listen to anyone who would try to pass on the truth.  Their worldview rejects the possibility that any conservative idea could ever be anything but evil.

It would be nice to be able to believe those few voices on the Right who are convinced Romney will sweep Obama out of office in a landslide on par with Reagan's beatdown of Jimmy Carter.  But it requires more folks to actually start paying attention and begin trying to separate truth from lies.

We have about 4 months left to find out whether the majority chooses the door to slavery and tyranny or the door to continued freedom.

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