Tuesday, July 24, 2012

A Sad Week

The whole week makes me sad.  The Colorado movie theater shooting.  The Penn State punishment.  The Obama campaign calling all those opposed to his re-election racists.  Those who try to use Colorado for political gain.  The girl in Chicago who was killed by Planned Parenthood.  Obamacare was upheld in clear violation of constitutional principles.  Obama vilified all entrepreneurs with his "you didn't build that!" speech.

When I was young, no stories like these ever made the news.  I think it's not because the stories were suppressed, but because they just didn't happen.

Faith and religion are under attack.  People who support Christian and family values are ridiculed and called evil.  Americans now call good evil and evil good.  What was formerly the best country in the history of the planet is circling the drain.  We're setting records in entitlements and welfare payments, children without a father, illiteracy, and the chronically unemployed.

It makes me sad.

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