Sunday, July 01, 2012

Living the Crazy Lie Life

It struck me that the average Democrat goes through life under a system of beliefs that are based on a very large compendium of lies.  I was having a conversation this week in which we were discussing the question, are most folks of left-wing persuasion really true-blue believers, or just gullible victims of the false message of the left?

Let's examine a list of lies that most Democrats I know have swallowed, hook, line, and sinker.

9/11 was an inside job
If it wasn't an inside job, Bush parlayed it into an illegal and immoral war against Iraq
There would be no such thing as terrorism if our country just stopped greedily grasping for middle east oil
Bush lied, people died
Deficits and Debt don't really matter
Besides, if the rich just start paying their fair share, the deficits will go away
Voter ID laws disenfranchise voters
Undocumented immigrants (illegal immigrants is such a nasty phrase) only want a better life for their families
Those who want the government to enforce immigration law are racists
Fast & Furious was a failed Bush-era operation
All Eric Holder did was shut it down once he discovered its existence
The only reason Holder and Obama are withholding F&F documents from congress is because it's nothing but a partisan election-year witch hunt
There is no God
Life on Earth evolved from some chemical reactions that turned basic elements into single-celled organisms that over billions of years evolved and mutated into the human race, in gross violation of the theory of Entropy
Education will improve if only the rich pay their fair share in taxes so teachers salaries can be increased
Global Warming will destroy the planet 10 years ago
The only way to save the planet is for everyone to give up their cars, move to a big city and ride mass transit to work
The only solution to environmental disaster is global socialism
ObamaCare is about providing healthcare access to poor people
Healthcare is a basic human right, as is free contraception paid for by Roman Catholics
Catholics and Republicans want to outlaw contraceptives because they hate women
Conservatives oppose Obama because they are inherently racist
Nobody could possibly oppose Obama's policy priorities unless they are racist sexist homophobic bigots
Since Obama has quelled Islamic hatred and improved America's relationship with the rest of the world, we can disband the military and stop making war
When gas prices hit $4 during the Bush era, it was because Bush & Cheney were engaged in a conspiracy to enrich their buddies in the oil industry
This year, when gas hit $4 again under Obama, it was just because of market forces no president can control
Government subsidized windmills and solar panels will free us from awful global warming-causing carbon-based fuels
Unemployment is 8.2 percent
Obama had no other choice than to nationalize General Motors and give Chrysler away to Fiat
Excessive government union benefits have no effect on current federal, state, and local government budget crises
If only the nasty Republicans would stop blocking him, Obama will help us all make more money and no longer have to worry about our mortgages or medical expenses
I'm poor because somebody else is rich
Warren Buffet pays less taxes than his secretary
Democrats care about ordinary middle-class people
Obama's right: The only way the economy can recover is by having the government hand out money and free stuff to people
Easing up on regulatory and tax burdens won't help the economy recover, but will just go back to the evil Bush-era practices of licensing greedy corporate types to mistreat their workers
Republicans care only about rich people

The list goes on and on and on ...

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