Sunday, August 01, 2010

Weekend Quick Thoughts

A prayer offered in Church this weekend was "for the more equitable distribution of wealth". I'm very uncomfortable with the wording of that one, and wonder who wrote it, and what he/she was thinking. I think there's a sort of dangerous movement that's co-opting churches to think Christianity is called to socialism, when clearly we're called as individuals to be charitable - not to encourage our government to take money from other people to give to the poor.

Was reminded of something from the days of the crumbling Roman Empire. They successfully kept their citizens' minds off the corruption and abuses of their government by feeding and entertaining them. Bread and Circuses. Isn't that sort of what our own government is doing to keep us pacified right now?

Left the cellphone at home. Must have been half-asleep going out the door to the airport at 5AM, and didn't notice it was gone until I was almost to the airport. Gonna be a difficult week.

Reading interesting books by Lee Strobel, making pretty good arguments about the evidence for real existence of Jesus Christ, his crucifixion, resurrection, and why the Christian faith has endured for over 2,000 years. I don't need such evidence to bolster my own faith, but find it helpful to learn more about the positive arguments in favor of Christ being real and tangible, and more likely than not to have pretty much done what the gospels report.

Admittedly not a legal scholar, it still seems painfully obvious to me that the judge that stopped Arizona's immigration law did so for political, not legal reasons. And of course the 9th circuit rejected the appeal for the same reasons. Is the Supreme Court the only hope left for States' ability to protect themselves when the Feds refuse to do so? Or has the Left successfully packed the courts with judges who will reliably put leftist politics above the Law?

I noticed the President was touting GM (Government Motors?) and the new Volt electric car. If I get this straight, it's a car that goes 40 miles on a charge, costs something like $41,000, and when the battery wears out, you have to replace it and it's hazardous waste. And to charge it, you have to plug it in for four hours to be charged by your electrical service that comes from coal-powered plants, which Obama has promised to put out of business as soon as he gets his energy bills passed.

Sometimes I wonder if I'm the only person who wonders if there are any sane people left.

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