Monday, August 16, 2010

This is Pretty Close

This article is pretty close to my views on the solutions to our economic problems.

Where I would tend to differ a bit from this economist are in two fundamental areas:

First, although I support the idea that we should end our foreign adventures and the whole nation-building nonsense, I would not support an abrupt withdrawal of forces. That's a humanitarian position, as it seems more than apparent that abrupt withdrawal of forces from Afghanistan will be a death sentence for untold thousands of Afghanis that supported or cooperated with us during our occupation. I also believe it would signal to our jihadist enemies that we've tucked our tails and run away, emboldening them to ratchet up their attacks on us.

Second, none of it works unless we rediscover the basic foundational values that made America great in the first place. Without self-reliance, work ethic, morality, strong families, and honest government, nothing will help us return to our traditions of exceptionalism, innovation, and prosperity.

It's all up to the new generation, in my view. The young people have to drive this revolution, or it simply won't happen. Because it will take a generation to reverse the course we've spent over a generation traveling.

I know they can do it, but I don't know whether they will want to.

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