Sunday, August 08, 2010

Time to Recap

My posts tend to be topical. But I don't do much in the way of outlining my overall worldview. So, if anybody's interested in what little ol' me thinks about today's hottest arguments, here's a recap.

I believe that business and free enterprise are the engine that drives prosperity. To the extent they are given the freedom to innovate and compete with the goal of making a profit by attracting enough customers, everyone wins.

I think the current government is made up of leftist idealists who hold a disdain for business and free enterprise. They believe it is unfair for anyone to profit and become wealthier than everybody else. They think it is fair to take those profits from business to "spread the wealth" to those who have not been able to reach their success.

Basically I believe that in our current environment, the best possible economic stimulus plan would be to lock in current tax rates across the board, repeal the healthcare law, drop "Cap & Trade", and scale back the bureaucracy.

Not that I think business should be completely unfettered. I believe firmly in trade agreements that require trading partners' markets to be equally open to US goods & services as our market is to theirs. I believe government policies should incentivize US companies to keep their operations here, rather than moving them offshore. I believe workers are entitled to basic protections in commonsense regulations of wages & hours and workplace safety.

I remain strongly opposed to "ObamaCare". Socialized medicine is not the right answer to spiraling healthcare costs.

I believe the problem can be solved with a commonsense, long=term plan with these principles: Insurance is for serious illness or injury only.

Routine medical care and prescription drugs should be paid out-of-pocket by the patient.

Employers should not be the primary source of Health Insurance. Everyone should purchase their Health plans on the open market, just like they purchase their auto, life, real estate, and other policies.

Closing the borders and solving the illegal immigration problem is part of the solution, as is
Reforming the Tort system to work for those who were truly harmed by negligence, while punishing abulance-chasers who bring frivolous suits against good physicians.

Social Policy
I'm opposed to Gay Marriage, on the grounds that it actively seeks to destroy one of the most important of God's institutions. But I'm not singling out homosexuals. I am equally opposed to affording special recognition and benefits to any sexual partnerships, whether common-law marriage and cohabitation or bigamy.

I fear I will soon be treated as a criminal for holding the simple moral viewpoint that any kind of sexual promiscuity is wrong. Not for solely religious reasons, but practical reasons as well.

No, I'm not advocating laws that require those breaking these moral laws be arrested or prosecuted, or even fined. But I strongly object to the campaign by those who engage in such behaviors to marginalize and possibly even criminalize me for my beliefs on the subject.

Obviously I'm strongly Pro Life. Not that I don't understand how difficult it certainly is for young unwed mothers, especially teens, who have learned too soon one of the consequences of that promiscuous behavior I discussed previously.

I believe strongly that the first and foremost solution to the abortion problem is better parenting by the adult generation. Besides the media glorification and obsession with promiscuity, parents have too often abdicated their most basic responsibilities. If parents simply taught their children right and wrong, monitored and restricted their activities in a reasonable way, and stayed engaged with their children instead of abdicating control to an amoral secular educational institution, perhaps we wouldn't be in quite this mess.

Then again, the real education that has to take place from coast-to-coast is all about the facts of child development. Instead of teaching kids how to use condoms and that it's fine otherwise to do whatever you want with whomever you want, how about teaching them about the development of a baby in the womb? And tied it in with the simple fact that, if you're an average female having intercourse with an average male, you're almost guaranteed to get a baby out of the process.

We need to wake up as a society to a very simple truth. The truth of the abortion argument, when you get past all the overwrought rhetoric, is that the so-called "woman's right to choose" is about a sort of sexual license. Proponents of abortion must admit, if they choose to be truthful, that they're support for infanticide is based on the fact that they want the option open to themselves because of their own irresponsible lifestyle.

I believe it is far overdue to solve the problem of illegal immigration.
For those who want to argue about how many poor folks from south of the border should be permitted into the country to "do the jobs American's won't do", that's an argument we can have later.
First we need to build a dam and stop the flood that is drowning us. Once the flooding is stopped, then we can talk about how many folks from foreign lands can and should be allowed to come to our country to work.
My solution has been posted before in this blog. The simple recap is this: January 1st of 2011, the media airwaves are flooded with the message, "if you are in this country illegally, regardless of where you're from or your circumstances, you have 6 months to return to your home country."

"During this 6 month period, you may make application for a legal temporary work visa. If you demonstrate that you have an Employer sponsor or independent means of support for you and your family, you may acquire your work visa and re-enter the country."

In the meantime, the borders are secure. Employers are required to use e-Verify for all hires, and will be subject to severe fines on the first and second offense, and imprisonment on the third offense of knowingly hiring illegal immigrants.

Foreign Relations
The Iraq war was either a good idea or it was not. We're almost beyond the point of arguing any more. It happened, the majority of Americans supported it initially, then many of them forgot that fact. Now it would appear it was successful, with a semi-stable government in place and our gradual draw-down in forces.

We face many existential challenges from outside our borders, and some now within our borders. Our current President would seem to prefer a pacifist approach, offering unilateral peace to enemies that revile us and our way of life.

I strongly disagree. I've always believed that our country is the only hope for peace and security for not only our own citizens, but the rest of the world as well.

My foreign policy would be based on a very simple message, extended to every country on the planet:

"We want to be your friend. If you accept our friendship, you will find us to be the best friend you could ever have imagined. We can offer you unlimited markets for your products, protection from those who may want to do you harm, and our technology and knowledge to help your country grow."

"However, if you choose to be our enemy, we will be your worst nightmare. We and our friends will make sure you are isolated, and you lose access to those things you cannot acquire inside your own borders. If you strike at us militarily or through terrorism, we will annihilate you. That is, if your own citizens don't revolt and remove you from power first."

The current policy that seems to offer friendship to our enemies (Iran, Russia, Venezuela) while slapping away the hands of our real friends (Britian, Israel) only makes us more vulnerable and destroys our coalition.

However, we must ask our friends to step up and partner with us. We can no longer afford to be the world's policeman, with our mighty and overpowering military allowing places like Europe and Canada to disarm and trust us to protect them with our own money and resources. It's time those partners began taking on more of their own responsibilities for self-defense.

Overall, some might find my opinions a bit tough. They may sound strong, but really they aren't. I feel a great deal of compassion for the plight of people. But then again, I believe their plight is fundamentally self-inflicted. From the bad decisions that lead to abortions and welfare mothers to the bad decisions that put Marxist idealogues in office who grasp at their personal power over the well-being of their citizens, we as a nation are in a well-deserved fix.

And only we can get ourselves out of it. By overcoming governments that would oppress, by taking responsibility for our actions and behaviors, and by rediscovering our own abilities and pride in work, family, and faith.

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