Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Pattern

Taken as a whole, does a pattern emerge from our current government that could be interpreted as even more disastrous than simply an acceleration of the slide into federally-mandated socialism?

Let's take some of the current stories to find out.

Remember Obama's angry insistence that the individual mandates of Healthcare Reform were not taxes? Well, I guess he was lying, because his administration's defense against the lawsuit brought to challenge those mandates is that it's indeed a tax.

Remember his promise to Bart Stupak that Abortion would not be covered by Healthcare Reform to purchase that badly needed vote? That would also seem to be a lie. Indeed, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and New Mexico have already moved forward to cover abortions under the new bills. Pennsylvania has backed off after their plans were revealed, earning the ire of the left-wing abortion rights crowd.

By the way, remember the whole promise that the plan would be deficit neutral? Did you happen to notice that was repudiated immediately after the bill passed? Besides the massive new taxes and mandates it attaches to the economy, it apparently is still likely to cost Americans another trillion dollars over the decade. And that's before reality sets in, as history proves that every similar entitlement program in the past has busted its projections in short order.

Remember the time when Obama and his fellow angry liberals railed against Bush's program of warrantless wiretaps? Shadowy charges that they engaged in horrible torture of terror suspects? Suggestions that a program called "Redition" sent suspected terrorist sympathizers secretly to other countries for torture? It seems Obama's taken it to the next level with something called the Presidential Assassination Program.

What about the Financial Reform bill? Did you fall for the line that it would fix the problems that caused the financial meltdown? That is another lie. Not only does it permanently entrench the policy of "too big to fail", it also favors the mega banks and disadvantages smaller regional banks. And it does nothing about the true root cause of the meltdown, Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac.

In the meantime, the massive FinRef bill imposes burdensome regulations on non-financial businesses, with oppressive regulations on small business. And for dessert, it dictates that the army of new bureaucrats created by the bill will be discriminatory in its staffing, requiring quotas of minorities and women.

Have you noticed where the Obama government stands on illegal immigration? They like sanctuary cities, who thumb their noses at Federal immigration laws to obstruct enforcement, but bring a lawsuit against Arizona for simply trying to solve the problem the feds refuse to address.

Irony of ironies, the argument of the administration in the Arizona suit is that it's the Fed's "job" to enforce immigration laws, not Arizona's. Apparently from that we may infer that they're also saying that it's also their priviledge to choose not to enforce federal law at their own discretion. If a judge actually finds in favor of that ridiculous argument, that judge has no business holding so much as a Justice of the Peace position.

The big push continues for "Cap & Trade" legislation. Have you taken a moment to consider who benefits from this other massive new redistributionist program? Certainly not the climate - that's admitted by even those who support it. Not the poor - they won't be able to afford gas for their cars or heat for their homes when this program goes into effect.

Have you guessed yet? That's right, the beneficiaries of "Cap & Trade" are the partnerships between the political class, wall street, and some well-connected corporations like GE (who happens to own NBC; isn't that interesting?).

Combine this with Obama's campaign promise to create a massive new "Civilian Security Force" that is bigger than the military, and does a pattern begin to emerge?

Notice that I went with left-wing links, just in case you think I'm being taken in by righties. All you have to do is read and understand what the articles are saying, and you can figure out the truth.

Frightened yet?

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