Friday, May 29, 2009

Things I Will Never Understand

My brain just doesn't work the way so many others seem to these days. Here's a quick list of things I won't ever understand.

The idea that we're all entitled to healthcare paid for by someone else. I do understand the frustration with the high cost, but that's a different and solvable problem.

The argument that courts can make law on their own authority.

The idea that the US Constitution is a musty and obsolete old 18th century document that has no relevance to second millennium society.

The idea that it's OK to impose discrimination in hiring or higher education if the discrimination is in favor of members of selective racial, gender, or deviant behavioral groups.

The idea that harsh sentences must be meted out only for offenders who seem to have committed the violent offense based on the victim's membership in one of those favored groups.

The strident demands that those who dare oppose candidates for the country's highest positions on grounds of merit and constitutional principles must remain silent or be persecuted as racists/bigots/homophobes.

Instead of keeping sexual behavior private, we're asked to embrace and give special protection to practitioners of a myriad of deviancy.

Free speech only applies to the Left. Christians, radio talk-show hosts, and one cable television news network must be silenced.

American prosperity must be destroyed for the good of the planet.

No criminal deserves capital punishment, but abortion is nothing more than one of many effective methods of birth control.

Marriage is not a lifetime commitment between a man and woman creating a foundation for the nuclear family; instead it's an open partnership between any two individuals that provides special benefits from employers and the government. And any marriage may be dissolved and transferred on the whim of the partners.

Keeping the people safe isn't a military function; instead our leaders need to show the world we mean no harm, so they'll like us and will no longer threaten us.

Anybody who smokes tobacco or is overweight must be marginalized, but tokers are only using alternative medicine. Those hooked on "recreational" drugs deserve compassion not earned by the smokers and overweight, but must be given free access to drug rehab programs.

Terrorists who have actually committed violent terrorist acts are only responding to the abuse of American criminal politicians of the past. The "real" terrorists are Christians, NRA Members, military veterans, and Ron Paul supporters.

The definition of "Economic Stimulus" is giving billions of dollars to individuals and groups that will help make sure the party in power stays in power.

There's more, but I can't continue or I'll bring my mood down too low.

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