Monday, May 11, 2009

It's the Boomers' Fault

So said Gov. Mitch Daniels at the Butler commencement this weekend.

It was surprising and perhaps a bit shocking to hear Mitch give a very unconventional commencement speech. The generally expected stuff about achievement and making the world a better place were tossed aside by the gov in favor of a harsh, but fundamentally true indictment of the selfishness and irresponsibility of the boomer generation.

His message to the graduates: Don't follow in your parents' footsteps, but be responsible, care for somebody other than yourself, keep your family together and take responsibility for raising your children, and rediscover basic morality. It's the only possible way the next generation can clean up the mess created by their hippie parents.

It was interesting to note that the students and the other honoree speaking at the event made a point of praising the new President. Mitch instead offered a veiled but true criticism; our president's primary accomplishment before taking office was the publication of two books. Both about him.

My guess is that half the crowd were offended, and the other half able to acknowledge the truth of his words. I am a bit conflicted between the acknowledgement and the idea that perhaps his message could have been a bit more positive and uplifting in the spirit of the occasion.

There's a lot that could be cited as examples of the decline in morality initiated by my generation. What's interesting to me is the polar opposite attitudes about this topic held by the two halves of the population.

One side defines morality in a favorite buzzword, "tolerance". Tolerance means no behavior may be condemned, and people should be free to live their lives as they choose. Even if it's destructive to themselves or others. The only exceptions to this catechism are the "intolerant" and the greedy. If someone holds a faith that teaches a set of moral standards, that person is guilty of greater sin than any murderer, thief or rapist. If someone is wealthy, and not an athlete, musician, actor, or member of the orthodoxy, that person is guilty of greed.

The other side defines morality according to the ancient Judeo-Christian traditions. They are accused of their opposites of ignoring tolerance and greed, and are themselves automatically held up in contempt for holding beliefs that are somehow repressive of the tolerants.

Morality and responsibility were the cornerstone of the success and prosperity of this greatest country in history. I'd agree with Mitch's point that the blessings of this society are seriously endangered, unless this new generation awakens to the truth.

Perhaps experiencing a repeat of my generation's grandparents' Great Depression and parents' Great World War is the only hope for a retreat from our excesses and a return to the foundational source of freedom, peace, and prosperity.

A terrible cost will be paid in any event. Unfortunately it won't be paid by the guilty members of the generation who ran up that debt, but the generation to which we've bequeathed it.

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