Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Had Enough Yet?

Sometimes I've just got to vent.

How has it happened, that seemingly intelligent people refuse to acknowledge the irreparable harm being done to them and their way of life because they are hypnotized by the messianic President?

He goes to Notre Dame, which defied its own Roman Catholic benefactors to honor him and gasp at his awesomeness while he condescended and chided those who are appalled at his callous disregard for human life. Implicit in his speech was the message that he was the reasonable one on issues of life, while they (and I) are the shrill and ignorant radicals.

He has taken control of banking and automobile manufacturing, and can't wait to do the same with healthcare. He's declared war on the greedy, selfish rich capitalists but is best bud of greedy, selfish rich socialist elites.

He's singlehandedly dictating what cars we will be allowed to drive, in effect making only the ugly motorized rollerskates like the stupid "Smart Car" the sole and costly vehicle available.

He has stolen profitable auto dealerships in order to give them to other dealers he decided to spare. That happens in communist countries, not in America.

He has red-flagged conservatives for surveillance by Homeland Security as potential domestic terrorists. Offices are reportedly being opened and staffed right now by Obama's brownshirts who will be ready to move in on folks who are military vets, NRA members, pro-life advocates, even Ron Paul supporters. Yes, conservatives. How soon before people we know begin to disappear? Will they be checked into asylums, re-education camps, prison? Or will they simply disappear.

He has allocated billions for his personal army of "community organizers", aka ACORN. Any guesses how they plan to use that money?

He has co-opted the press. Unfettered corruption, from his own illegal relationship with ACORN, to sweetheart deals for friends and relatives of Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Diane Feinstein, Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Jack Murtha, and many others, to tax evaders like Tim Geithner, Charlie Rangel, and about two-thirds of his cabinet nominees go unremarked and uninvestigated by the slavishly loyal third estate.

He will impose draconian taxes on energy that will make $4 gas seem cheap, freeze average families to death in their homes next February for lack of means to pay their heating bill, and cause commerce to grind to a stop as companies can no longer afford to make and ship products due to skyrocketing energy costs.

Please, somebody tell me you're not some sort of zombie, drugged out on this Obama worship happy gas to which only I seem immune.

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