Thursday, October 25, 2007

It's Bush's Fault of Course

Why am I not surprised.

The California wildfires are slowly dying down or being extinguished. Evacuations seem to have gone as smoothly as can be expected, plenty of shelter and supplies have been made available to those who need them (and taken by many who don't), and things will return to normal soon.

But the partisans can't just leave it at that. The Left, through their willing media outlets, are working feverishly to find angles allowing them to blame George W. Bush.

Among ideas they've been floating:

The fires happened because of drought that happened because of Global Warming which Bush refuses to acknowledge or do anything about.

This is turning into another Katrina. (This one isn't working very well, because it clearly isn't)

Key military resources, personnel and equipment, aren't available to assist because they're in Iraq. (Actually not true, and the National Guard hasn't even been requested, and probably won't be needed.)

Bush is heading to SoCal today, where he will be treated politely but will be a distraction and just get in the way. This according to California's Lt. Governor, who also holds a prominent spot on the global warming and Iraq bandwagon.

Probably the worst thing said on the Right, at least that I've heard anyway, is that the fires are made much worse than they have to be because of the idiocy of California's environmental regulations that won't allow anyone to clear dead wood and brush or do other sensible things to reduce the risk of out-of-control wildfires.

It's been said that some right-wingers have been blaming illegal immigrants for setting the fires. I haven't encountered that. But it seems a far cry to compare a few right-wing bloggers to ABC, NBC, and CBS reporters involved in the left-wing fingerpointing.

If there's one positive that we can all look forward to in next year's presidential election, it's that we can finally escape the pinata the Left has made of George Bush. Unfortunately, if a Republican wins, he will immediately be hoisted by the Left as the new pinata. Then again, if Hillary wins, conservatism will be outlawed.

A poor choice.

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