Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Predicting the Future

My predictions are logical conclusions based on today's trends. Everyone says it's a foregone conclusion that the Democrat left will control the Federal Government after the next election. A simple analysis of their own words results in the following predictions.

The economy will go into the tank sometime in the next 3-4 years. Unions will regain the power they lost in the 70's and will drive many companies out of business and/or out of the country. Unemployment will skyrocket, and the move to socialism will be complete.

Healthcare will be free or very cheap from the government, which means every visit to the doctor's office requires several hours waiting to be seen. Surgeries won't be accessible for many months, and many people will die awaiting the surgery they need to save their lives.

High marginal tax rates on income over $100K could reach 70 or 80 percent. Taxes will increase for everyone else less dramatically but just as certainly.

Gas will rise above $4 a gallon, maybe even $5. Part of the increase will come from expanded federal gasoline taxes at the pump. Imports of oil and refined fuels will skyrocket as domestic production will be discouraged through high targeted taxes on the industry and additional restructions on domestic exploration and production.

Policies will be implemented that punish families with more than 2 children. With taxes at first, growing into serious proposals to follow China's forceable abortion policies. Abortions will be widely available and federally funded for anyone seeking one. Pro Life activists will be arrested and prosecuted wherever they are found demonstrating, and their pregnancy crisis centers will be forced to close through edict of the federal judiciary.

Public schools will descend to unprecedented depths, with violence and failing academic performance spreading to nearly all communities. Priorities in public schools will be to drive out all religious speech and increasing sex education, particularly focusing on teaching a gay-friendly agenda.

Domestic terrorism will explode across the country, as the war on terror is abandoned and jihadists aggressively pursue the bombing and killing of as many American infidels as they can. Political leaders will blame George Bush for the terrorism while trying to appease radical Islamists by choosing negotiation over military power.

Christianity will be driven underground. Any church that insists on discriminating against homosexuals on the basis of moral principals will lose their tax exempt status, then be prosecuted for violating federal civil rights laws. Mainline denominations will remain in place, but will abandon all moral teachings and abandon the basic tenets of the faith. Their services will become concerts with sermons about tolerance and diversity and self-discovery.

Crime will spiral out of control, as drug laws are relaxed or left unenforced and people lose jobs. Convicted criminals will spend increasingly less time in prison, instead receiving counseling and drug treatment in the misguided belief they will reform and can be released back to a vulnerable public that can not protect themselves due to new laws criminalizing the possession of firearms.

Will Americans figure it out in time to change this future? Right now it doesn't appear likely.

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