Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Bias Evidence

Have you seen the ads with the diabled Iraq veterans talking about the importance of success in Iraq and encouraging people to contact their congressmen to support that message?

Apparently MSNBC and CNBC refused to allow those ads on their networks. They claimed a previously unknown policy against running "controversial issue advertising". Interesting, since they seem to have had no hesitation in running controversial ads from the left wing.

For networks that run anti-Bush, anti-War, anti-Everything-slightly-conservative 24/7, this would appear to confirm that they are not legitimate news outlets, but propaganda mills.

If anyone would like to suggest they're not any different from Fox News Channel, let me ask this question: What do you think would happen if Fox News refused to air issue ads on, say, Global Warming?

The answer is easy: Blaring headlines. The primary topic for all the talking heads at places like MSNBC outraged at such blatant censorship.

Double standard.

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