Monday, July 02, 2007

Must be Racist

The elite media and government types are angry. They're angry that the American people overwhelmingly panned their very complex legislation dealing with immigration.

Anger makes people lash out. When it comes to our Washington elites, lashing out usually means wielding the racist club. All over the airwaves are angry legislators and media types, blaming racist Americans enflamed by racist AM Radio talkers.

The either refuse to look past their idealistic noses to find out the real reasons behind the public outcry, or they actually understand that outcry but prefer to ignore it in favor of propagandist messages designed to club people with accusations they hate the most - that they must be a bunch of racists.

From my point of view, I don't care if it's a bunch of poor Mexicans or Swedish Swimsuit Models; if they are in the country illegally, they should be just as subject to enforcement of our laws as anyone else.

The opposition to the bill is not some simplistic xenophobic fear. It's based simply on the reported content of the bill itself. The Washington ivory tower residents say it isn't an amnesty bill, but their own defense of the bill admits it is. Only those illegal immigrants who want to climb on the yellow brick road also known as the "path to citizenship" are required to do anything at all. Everybody else here illegally gets essentially an unlimited free pass, as long as they don't want to apply for citizenship.

There were lots of other things reportedly in that monstrosity, such as a deal-killer national id card. But mainly, niether congress nor the president have the slightest hint of credibility in this area. They can promise they will secure the borders, but their actions to date seem to prove those are the emptiest of promises.

I think there is a very easy, common-sense solution to the problem. Once again, common sense is a foreign concept in Washington, but I'll outline it here anyway.

First, put everyone on notice. Run an ad campaign in all the media telling illegal immigrants and employers who hire them that time is running out. The ads say this:

The United States Immigration and Naturalization Agency is implementing new policies and procedures for enforcing our immigration laws.

Employers, within 6 months you will be asked to submit a full roster of your employees, with monthly updates to follow with new employees hired.

New government systems will be implemented to confirm your employees are legally entitled to live and work in the United States. You will be notified on a monthly basis of those of your employees that do not appear to hold valid social security or work permit documentation. Once notified of a discrepancy, you have 30 days to either correct the information, provide copies of proof of citizenship or current work permits, or terminate employment of the employees in question.

Immigrants, if you are in the country illegally, you have 6 months to return to your country of origin. If you do so within this 6 month period, you will not be subject to fines or imprisonment in the United States, unless you have committed punishable offenses other than your illegal immigrant status.

Once you have returned to your country of origin, you may make application to return to the United States through your consulate. If your application for legal entry into the United States demonstrates you are proficient in English, have a written recommendation and job offer from a United States employer, and have no serious criminal record, your application is likely to be approved on an expedited basis. If your application is approved, you will be permitted to return to the United States under a 2-year work permit.

Any employers found to be in violation of the law with respect to ongoing employment of illegal aliens after the afore-mentioned 6 month period will be subject to fines of up to $10,000 per illegal employee. Repeat offenses will be subject to higher fines and imprisonment of those company officials involved in such illegal employment.

Any persons remaining in the country illegally after this 6 month period are subject to arrest and immediate deportation to their country of origin, with a permanent flag attached to their record, indicating they cannot re-enter the United States under any circumstances.

Of course, the other piece of this is shutting down the borders - both northern and southern. Fences, cameras, agents - whatever is necessary.

Simple, common-sense, very fair I think. I know some would object to the part about letting them apply to get back in, but if they can show they're already pretty well assimilated, know the language, and have a company sponsoring them for return, I don't think it's unreasonable.


N said...

no swedish bikini models?!?!?!?


Dan S. said...

Ha Ha, Gotcha! You racist sexist bigot, you mean you'd let illegal swedish bikini models stay while deporting south-of-the-border types?

Thanks for helping make my point.