Monday, July 30, 2007

Just Pity

That's mainly what I feel about the angry atheists who seem to have ascended to political and social power these days.

How desolate and hopeless it must be to believe that

humans are just more highly evolved mammals

when we die, that's it

there are no miracles, only coincidences

Christians are ignorant superstitious sheep

Christian leaders are evil greedy burgeoisie happy to clip the sheep to fill their own desires for wealth and power

religion is nothing but a set of arbitrary rules enforced only for the benefit of Christian leaders (interesting that the only Christian "rules" that really upset these folks are related to sex; they seem more upset at those than Muslim Jihad)

government should replace religion and control every aspect of human life (except sex, of course)

that stamping out religion will somehow lead to a peaceful, utopian planet

I indeed only feel pity for such people, who for their own reasons have become bitter and angry crusaders against God. It must be a sad and empty existence.

1 comment:

N said...

i say the christians are doing a bad job of convincing people not to be atheists. consider:

- there is still no better theory put forth by christians than evolution

- when we die, there's no one who can justify the assertion that that is NOT it except by saying "you have to have faith"

- show me a miracle, performed recently, that cannot be easily explained by rational means.

- a vocal portion of Christians ARE ignorant superstitious sheep

- have you seen televangelists... ever?

i'd go on but i'm tired.

if christians want respect, they need to start earning it.