Thursday, March 09, 2006

Busy Times Ahead

It looks like a large new project is starting up for me in a little over a week. That's good news, as it looks like it will keep me busy for the next 3-4 months, at least. Maybe it's a good time to start shopping for a car.

I've been reasonably busy the last few weeks, but somehow kind of bored at the same time. There just doesn't seem to be all that much going on, aside from work. No big news events, no great movies coming out, and nothing really to get me excited or interested.

Some of you might think there's political stuff happening of interest. I don't. Dubai and the ports? Big deal. I knew that was doomed when I first heard about it.

The stupid communist high school geography teacher caught on tape (what's his name, Jay Bennish or something like that?). Like it's some surprise that lots of high school teachers are communists? Want to guess why? Ever heard the phrase, "those who can, do. Those who can't, teach?". He's just another bitter outcast hoping to someday be a communist official forcibly taking for himself the money and possessions some "capitalist" bully went out and earned by unfairly exploiting losers like him. And people still don't understand why we graduate so many idiots from our public schools.

Illegal immigration? Congress is nothing but, to quote, "... sound and fury, signifying nothing". The Oscars? Come on. Eminent Domain abuse? Same thing. The Iraq war? Almost over. Iran? Yep, they're probably next, unless we're stupid enough to elect Hillary. But nothing's going to happen either way for awhile yet, at least until they try to blow up New York or LA with a nuke. Abortion ban in North Dakota? Mildly interesting, but I won't really pay attention unless the Supreme Court agrees to hear the case. The 2006 election? I'm actually pleasantly surprised that we're not being barraged with campaign ads already.

Boring can be good, because excitement can come from either good or bad events. I'll count my blessings for now that the bad events will stay away awhile longer.

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