Friday, February 03, 2006


This whole business of NSA wiretapping got me curious, so I set about trying to find out about the "real" story. Here I am, shaking my head, because the story is either a non-story about eavesdropping on known Al Quaeda terrorists overseas who are making calls to people who happen to be in the US, which is perfectly legal, or Bush is some sort of evil dictator wiretapping all sorts of Americans for unfathomable reasons.

Among those who seem absolutely certain that Bush is somehow listening in on their conversations are the likes of Michael Moore, Cindy Sheehan, Harry Belafonte, and Julian Bond. Now I of course can't possibly say whether or not they are being monitored, but based on their public statements I'd say it would be prudent for the FBI to be keeping tabs on them. Oh yeah, perfectly legally with warrants and all that.

The weirdest of all was one I heard today from some bombastic leftie who is convinced that Bush is a reincarnation of Hitler. He claimed (or maybe a better term is "screamed") he could prove that the administration is wiretapping the Mormons. The Mormons? Huh? Sure has me scratching my head.

For those who have already gone off the deep end on this topic because of some premature and speculative press stories that have now been outrageously inflated beyond reason by the Bush-hater crowd, I suggest you Please Take a Breath!

Tell you what. As soon as you find a legitimate story from a "real" news outlet about somebody being detained for calling Bush a Nazi (or any expletive you wish to substitute) in a cellphone conversation with a non-Al Quaeda friend, please feel free to alert me right away. If the story turns out to be true, I'll be happy to agree that the pres has gone too far. But until then, I'm going to assume Bush and Negroponte and Goss are all telling us the truth. And I find nothing at all objectionable about what they have reported they are doing, not to mention am rather unhappy that classified information about this program was leaked, most likely by Democrat congress members (Jay Rockefeller, anyone?) who should know better.

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