Friday, February 10, 2006


I've reached one of those metaphorical crossroads in my business, which became quite obvious in conversations I had today.

There are two distinct paths laid out before me. It's time to decide which path to follow. The one to the right looks fairly easy; it looks like a nice paved, flat, easy road that holds promise of easy money and relatively low stress. The one to the left doesn't look like it's so well paved, there could be potholes and maybe even cliffs I could fall off if I'm not careful, and there's a heavy fog concealing the path several yards ahead.

The easier path is so clear that I can predict with a fairly high degree of certainty where it will lead. And that path isn't bad at all, leading to a pretty good and steady income, at least for the next couple of years. That path will help me realize some financial goals and needs and is relatively risk-free.

So you might be thinking, "Sounds like a no-brainer. Take the easy path!" I wish it were so easy. Because the other, somewhat obscured path can lead to great things for me. Although I can't predict with any degree of certainty where that path will lead, I do know that if I can navigate it successfully, I won't just do "pretty well", but could find the means to fulfill my dreams. But with great reward comes risk. If I fall off that path along the way, even though it probably won't kill me, it will definitely be excruciatingly painful.

Ultimately it's a choice between taking the sure thing that's relatively secure and comfortable, or aiming higher for my dreams despite plenty of risk and danger.

Note that I speak in metaphors because I don't feel comfortable posting the actual situation I find myself considering. I'm glad it's Friday, because I want a weekend to think things over, then come back Monday and proceed with my chosen direction.

1 comment:

consise10 said...

Whatever path you decide upon Im sure it will become clearer to you in good time.I like the way you think and what you present here in your blog.Best of luck with it.