Monday, September 26, 2005


It seems my biggest challenge for this week is self-motivation. I have work to do, but no hard deadlines in which to complete everything. That's difficult for me, because I can sometimes be a bit of a procrastinator. So this week I need to apply regular swift kicks to the posterior region to move things along. Maybe I can reward myself with a little golf once I've finished my work.

Got back to singing with SN last night. Even though I missed the first two rehearsals of the season, I was able to catch up pretty quickly, as usual. Thanks to the gift I've always seemed to have to sight-read new music pretty well. There's a kind of jazzy piece we started working on that's a bit of a departure from the group's normal fare, and I like that.

Lately I've found myself going through some long avoided soul-searching. Where it is leading I can't predict, but often wish there was someone I could trust to listen and comment on my progress.

1 comment:

N said...

gosh, i can't think of anyone like that.