Saturday, October 30, 2004

Thankful it's almost over

I voted early after discovering I'd be out of town on Tuesday. It was fairly busy at the courthouse with other early voters, but I didn't have to wait too long.

The outcome of the election, if it is as close as the pollsters say it is, will be disappointing on many levels even if my choice wins. This election, I am convinced, represents a turning point in our country's history that will decide whether our country will continue to be the great success story or just another secular socialist country like those in Europe.

Whether he wins election or even comes close, all this support for Kerry tells us that somewhere close to half of the country believes these things:
1. Iraq is no threat to us, electing Kerry doesn't encourage terrorists, and the war was just about making Cheney & Haliburton rich.
2. Abortion on demand, no questions asked, paid for by taxpayers who morally object, provided to teen and pre-teen girls without their parent's knowledge, and available all the way up to killing a fully developed baby just before delivery, are all just part of a woman's right to choose.
3. People of faith, including Christians and Jews but excluding Muslims, Atheists, Humanists, Pagans, Wiccans, etc. should shut up and stop imposing their morality on everyone, their churches should be taxed on donations, and clergy should be forced to marry homosexuals even if their theology clearly teaches it to be antithetical to their faith.
4. The rich need to pay more taxes, notwithstanding that they already pay the lion's share and a huge segment of the population doesn't pay any at all. We should go back to Jimmy Carter's days with 80% marginal tax rates on earnings over $100K everyone except the liberal leadership and entertainers, even if it destroys our economy.
5. While we're at it, we should also destroy our economy with Kyoto-type environmental laws that shut down whatever's left of our industrial base and completes the transition of all of those jobs to places like China and India, then forcing us to ride bicycles to work and no longer be able to heat or cool our homes economically.
6. Now the FCC can finally be forced to stop hassling the Howard Sterns of the world and permit public radio and television programming that includes as much pornography, violence and vulgarity as the public will take. If parents don't want their kids to see it, they can always change the channel, right?
7. Finally we can fix healthcare, giving everyone full access to the system through a government-controlled single-payer system funded by those taxes on the rich. Of course it's worth the damage to the economy, and so what if people need the whole day off to see the doctor after waiting a month to get an appointment, then waiting a few more weeks to fill the prescription?
8. And now the trial lawyers will have the freedom they need to sue everyone with money for whatever wrong they might have committed on an unsuspecting public. Lawyers love Kerry & Edwards, who will make sure they can continue to get multi-million dollar settlements from corporations through class-action lawsuits where the victims get a little grocery money in compensation after the lawyers collect their one-third to one-half share of those millions they won for their clients.
9. Public schools will now be free and encouraged to teach all of the diversity-friendly values that conservatives have been blocking all these years. Elementary school kids all need to know how gay people have sex, that promiscuity is OK as long as you use a condom, that white males are the scourge of the planet and will be made to pay for their crimes, and that religion is for the weak minded.

I've got more, but I'm tired and sad. Good luck everybody with your new society, I'm praying for mercy.

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