Monday, October 18, 2004

Religion Musings

Religious __________;

Just a few of the perjoratives I hear from the left wingers in our country today. I've even heard evangelical Christians referred to as the equivalent of the Taliban. How have we reached this place in our society?

There seems to be this irrational fear among the non-religious libs that somehow Christian Conservatives are out to "impose their views" on everyone. If a Christian suggests that adultery, homosexuality, and abortion are morally wrong, they are immediately slapped down by the "thought police" who are supremely indignant that anyone should dare to suggest anything is wrong on the basis of any religious belief.

We're supposed to be "tolerant" and to celebrate "diversity" in our culture today. Whenever I hear those two code words, I now experience an internal shudder. Those words don't mean repecting people of other races and religions anymore; they really mean embracing "alternative lifestyles" up to the point of this year's unbelievable debate about gay marriage.

It was interesting hearing about some reported "study" that seemed to find some specific genetic characteristic that was consistent among homosexuals. It made me wonder; if they looked hard enough, might they also find genetic characteristics for pedophilia, anti-social behavior, serial killers, etc.? It seems to me that if a suggestion can be made of a genetic pre-disposition to anything acts to remove personal responsibility and morality from the equation. Or is that ultimately the goal?

Let's be clear, just in case there happens to be a reader who's an atheist/agnostic that is frightened that Christians are going to take over the country and turn it into some sort of repressive Taliban-like regime:

First, Christians are completely supportive of the Constitution, which does not permit the Establishment of Religion. That doesn't mean what too many people have tried to make it mean, where the "Separation of Church and State" grants government the authority to deny people of faith their First Amendment rights. It simply means that the government cannot favor one religion over another, which I do not believe public displays of the ten commandments or creches violates in any way.

Second, Christianity itself is based on free will. Nobody is forced to join the faith, but must reach a sincere decision on their own. Sure, evangelicals see it as their mission to convert as many people as possible, but even they will not use force to accomplish that mission.

Finally, I believe any action by the government to force Gay Marriage on the country violates the Establishment clause of the Constitution. Think of it in this way: Marriage is one of the main sacraments of the Christian faith, and to force recognition of same-sex marriage is an affront to all members of the faith.

I'm very sorry to see that many Christian denominations have begun the slide down that slippery slope toward apostacy in the name of progressivism. Truth is truth, regardless of where our cultural values lead. Trying to "stay relevant" and "update to modern thinking" will make such churches irrelevant and lead many away from God. We can't ignore the fact that divorce and promiscuity are rampant, but not being addressed from pulpits out of fear people involved in these behaviors will take offense. The Church must refocus on being the light of the world rather than following the path of shades of gray that leads to darkness.

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