Wednesday, September 11, 2013

When Results Don't Match Rhetoric

This might be the most fascinating result of nearly 6 years of a liberal government.  Their promises to make the distribution of wealth "fair" are proving to have been empty.  There's an interesting article today that suggests the mythical 1 percenters have done better under Obama than since the 1020's.

Don't just let the headline influence your opinions on the subject - there's a lot to be found in the details that might wreck anyone's predetermined liberal or conservative philosophies. 

Obama's policies have absolutely tossed a soaking-wet blanket over the economy.  Massive new regulations have stifled business growth and investment.  Obamacare has practically destroyed the economy, adding massive new bureaucracies and their related costs to an already overburdened healthcare system.  Record numbers of Americans are receiving food stamps, disability, and other welfare benefits from the government.  The baby boom generation is retiring, and bankrupting a Medicare and Social Security system that never considered the massive numbers of citizens who would rely on them someday.

If Obama had done nothing, some think the economy would have rebounded naturally.  That's a hard thing to prove.  I think Obama's trillion-dollar "Stimulus" bill probably did more damage to recovery than the very marginal benefit it provided, which was nearly all funneled to Obama's cronies.

We see Barack and Michelle living like King and Queen, spending lavishly on command performances at the White House and hundred-million-dollar vacation trips.  The exude an attitude that some how it's their turn to enjoy the lifestyle of the rich and famous.  I pick up on a sort of imperious arrogance from the Obamas which belies their "of the people" political message.

Contrary to Obama's rhetoric, restrictive rules telling average folks what cars they can drive, what medical procedures and prescriptions they are permitted, and even what their kids are allowed to eat in their school lunches hardly help them prosper.  Good jobs are what help people prosper.

Obama's definition of a good job is a government job.  A union member working for the government earns the president's generosity, while the average Joe working for a small business out in flyover country doesn't deserve a thought.  That average Joe is probably clinging to his bible and his gun, as Obama himself famously proclaimed.  Joe somehow deserves to pay double to heat his home and must be forced out of his family minivan and onto some new government-sponsored train system.  Joe will be forced to stop eating at McDonald's and be directed to have kale and arugula for lunch, under Michelle's enforced menu.

The horrible president Obama has surpassed for inept governance, Jimmy Carter, was fortunately turned out of office after a single term.  In about two years, Ronald Reagan turned the dying Carter economy into a boom never seen before by simply rolling back unnecessary regulations and freeing business to invest and innovate.  All the while Democrats dripped a venomous charge calling Reagan's economic program "Trickle-Down Economics".

There are many folks who lived through the same times, but we seem to be evenly split on the lessons we learned (or didn't learn) from the Carter years and repeated in the Obama years.  I guess my contemporaries on the left side of the political spectrum simply chose to wear a blindfold to support their Messianic president.

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