Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Why We Lose

There were two things I heard today that wrecked much of my hope for the future of the country.

First, I heard Bill Bennett on my way to work in the morning.  He had on a congressman, I don't know the name but think he was from Maryland.  I didn't know there were any Republicans in Maryland.

Anyway, it was the first time I heard a clear explanation of what strategy of Obama and the Democrats are running with Obamacare.  By delaying the Employer mandate for a year, they soften some of the bad press.  He also has paid off congress by guaranteeing them a 75% premium subsidy, protecting them from the high costs of the Insurance Exchanges.  At the same time, they're pushing extremely hard to protect the implementation of the Exchanges for everybody this year. There's no way they will permit the Republicans to pass a delay on the Individual mandate to parallel the Employer mandate.  Nor will they allow any defunding or repeal legislation to pass.

The reason they're so determined to push the individual mandate this year is simple.  Yet I don't think I fully comprehended it until this morning.  The first people to sign up in the exchanges will be the low-income folks who qualify for the largest subsidies.  People like me and so many others who earn more than the threshold for premium subsidies are mostly going to choose to skip the expensive insurance from the exchange and pay the fine instead.

That's what they want!  They are counting on millions of people signing up for the exchanges and getting subsidized.  They don't care even a little bit that it will bust the Federal budget, which has been busted for a long time now.  It means that Obama is what used to be known as a "Pusher".  A word I haven't heard in probably 30 years.

Pushers were the guys that would troll neighborhoods and schoolyards looking for gullible teens.  The Pusher would introduce those teens to the illegal drug for free.  As soon as the teen got hooked and came back for more, the Pusher started charging for it.

That's how Obamacare is designed to work.  Get everybody hooked on subsidized health insurance premiums and they'll be Democrats for life.  One day, very soon, the government will push the insurance companies aside and simply switch to what they call "Single Payer".  Government health insurance for everyone, paid by those of us who work for a living to subsidize those who don't.  At that point Obama and his friends have total control - they decide who lives and dies, "death panels" do indeed exist, and they will use the dependent classes to destroy the productive classes in a classic communist transformation of a free society to a communist dictatorship.

Then in the evening drive I heard Michael Medved.  He was talking about the explosion in Food Stamps plus a summer feeding program targeted at kids.  And how there is no income threshold for school-age kids to qualify for the free meals all summer long.  Plus the "Organizing for America" activists hired and paid bounties to bring as many kids as possible into the program.  The activists get paid to go find kids in the playgrounds and parks and invite them over to the government's free meal site.

The food stamp and child feeding programs is another prong of Obama's Pusher strategy to hook as many Americans as possible on government handouts.  People are happily taking Obama's free stuff, and his minions around the country are making sure they know it's Obama who is providing the free stuff.  And all income thresholds have been eliminated to hook as many people as possible.

We've all heard about the "Obama Phone", which is simply another prong in the larger strategy of Obama and the Democrat Pushers to hook every low-income person in America on government freebies.  I suspect it's working spectacularly well for them.

That's how they get all the addicted Americans to happily show up to the polls and pull the levers for them on voting day.  Those millions of ignorant grabbers are happy to be bribed to vote for Democrats.  They're so thoroughly hooked that they've lost all initiative and sense of responsibility to care for themselves and their families.  They've been transformed into children, relying on Daddy Obama and Momma Pelosi for their very existence.

That's why the rest of us lose.  Not just Republicans.  We've lost to the tyranny of the lower and lower-middle class, who have discovered that they can vote themselves benefits.  Which is the same as voting to steal most of what the rest of us earn by the sweat of our brows.  Something they don't know or don't care is that those government bureaucrats who do the confiscating stuff most of it into their own pockets before passing along the scaps.

I'm beginning to wonder if the high unemployment and horrible economy were part of the design to explode the size of that needy class who have been unemployed for 5 or 6 years now.

So the productive Americans are abused and our pockets are picked.  Where can we go to escape the tyranny of the Socialists?  Only the hated millionaires and billionaires have the means to move out of the country to protect their assets.  Those of us stuck in the middle will be forced to join the dependent classes and bow to the new all-powerful God named Obama.

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