Saturday, August 11, 2012

Paul Ryan's a Star

Personally I think Romney made the perfect choice in tapping Paul Ryan as his running mate.  Ryan's young, charismatic, brilliant, energetic - he's a GOP superstar and the model of the ideal conservative candidate.  He's certain to rev up the conservative base, since he's got it all; unapologetic conservative ideology on both sides of the fiscal and social issues.

The old women in the GOP establishment are already wringing their hands and crying;

"The Obama campaign will demonize him for his budget cutting and entitlement reform bills", or
"He'll drive away the independents".

I find it refreshing and a bit of a contrast with the party's Presidential candidate to bring on a Veep candidate who's not afraid to talk out loud about the philosophies of our founders and other conservative icons like Ronald Reagan without apologizing or equivocating.

When the election returns are counted in November, regardless of the outcome, don't try to tell me Romney lost because he picked Ryan.  I must believe it more likely he will win at least partly because he picked Ryan. 

He won't win anything by trying to entice independent voters by pretending to be a more moderate version of Obama.  That strategy's already been tried and it failed.  Remember McCain?  I continue to believe McCain would have been beaten even more severely had he picked a running mate other than Sarah Palin.  He lost because he ran as Obama-lite and failed to fight back when the media set out to destroy Palin in the most misogynist campaign we never could have imagined when he chose her. 

Romney can't win by trying to moderate his message or try to fool moderate-to-liberal voters into thinking he's not as conservative as the Obama campaign would like them to believe.  Misleading voters is what Obama and the Democrats do; it must not be what Conservatives do. 

We must stand or fall fighting for what is best for the country.

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