Friday, August 03, 2012

Campaign Mythology

The stunning show of support for Chick-Fil-A this week was a very hopeful sign that we still have a chance to stop the Obama project of American Transformation into a Socialist State.

I remain convinced that most of those who steadfastly cling to their support for Obama and the Democrats do so out of willful ignorance driven by fear.  For example, I just read about mass mailings going to public employees in battleground states spreading the false message that a Romney presidency will lead to the destruction of all public employee pensions. 

While it is true that public employee defined benefit pension plans are at or near the top of the list of costs that are bankrupting states and municipalities across the country, it is an outright lie to suggest that a President Romney would or could have the power to simply dictate the cancellation of such plans.   Each state and municipality must make those decisions independently of the Federal government.

The Obama goal is to use Federal dollars (that don't exist) to prop up the budgets of States and Cities across the nation, so they won't have to make those tough decisions they're now facing on how to balance their shrinking budgets.  As far as I know, none have yet cancelled their public employee pension plans, although Wisconsin famously tried to recall their governor for having the gall to require a modest contribution to the pension fund by that state's public workers.  The dominoes now falling in California with cities declaring bankruptcy will force somebody to make very difficult decisions, but even in those cases I doubt pensions will be cancelled in their entirety.

Today's Obama supporters simply reject the facts about his misdeeds, from Solyndra and Green Energy corrupt boondoggles to illegally changing immigration laws to implement amnesty without a single vote by a citizen or citizen representative to using regulation to close down domestic coal and oil production to violating the First Amendment by forcing the Church to provide free abortifacients to their female employees.

They are unwittingly trading away their freedoms of religion and association.  They're giving up their ability to choose what to drive, where to live, what to eat, what to believe, and what to do with their own property.  In return, they hope to get free healthcare and a comfortable retirement from their government without having the freedoms they personally care about taken away.

Somehow all of us need to find a way to get the message to the citizens Ohio, Florida, Colorado, Nevada, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina that it's up to them to decide whether we have a chance to save our uniquely free way of life or give up to tyranny.

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