The fitting analogy comes from the ubiquitous televised poker tournaments, where a player about to lose decides to go "All In", betting everything he has left on the current hand, knowing he'll either lose and be out of the tournament or win and have a chance to keep playing.
Even though it seems a bit early, Obama seems to be going All In right now, presumably as part of his re-election campaign. In only the last couple of weeks, he's taken stunning leftism to new and unprecedented levels.
He's been demagoguing the immigration and energy issues, shamelessly lying and distorting both issues in the apparent belief that you can fool just enough of the people to get re-elected. Claiming to be championing expanded domestic energy production and declaring the borders secure when everyone knows the opposite is true would have the media screaming "liar!" if he were a Republican.
We're all (except perhaps the most hard-line Leftists) happy he allowed the Seals to take out bin Laden, but he seems to have used that PR victory as impetus for pushing boldly ahead with his incomprehensible foreign policies. This guy the Left holds up as the smartest President decides on his own that Israel should unilaterally pull back to pre-1967 borders to appease the Arab world, as if that will magically pacify Hamas and Hezbollah and all the other groups bent on wiping them off the map.
That's either naive in the extreme or he's playing for the other team. I'm rapidly coming to conclude that it's the latter.
Then there's the healthcare mess and the government spending mess and the explosion of regulation, crises he and his party refuse to even acknowledge. Take a look at this article for the latest on the disaster that is Obamacare.
What is most difficult to understand is how polls still seem to show that half the country still supports the narcissist-in-chief. I realize there isn't a clear and strong leader out there yet, and it will be next summer before one emerges. Still, if you're not to the point yet of supporting anybody but Obama, you're either a card-carrying socialist/communist revolutionary or you're just not paying attention.
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