Wednesday, October 27, 2010

While I'm Tilting at Windmills

I might as well go ahead and post some other crazy ideas.

What if -

Everybody bought health insurance like they buy car insurance? And the government had nothing to do with it.

We could solve the massive budget and national debt problem by eliminating every federal agency and project that is not specifically and constitutionally their responsibility?

We capped government spending so it can never exceed, say, 20 percent GDP?

We changed welfare programs to cover only those to sick or otherwise disabled to function?

Churches help out their parishioners when in need as a front line of defense instead of government programs?

Those able-bodied persons who don't want to join a church and can't find employment can fall back on the government, but not for cash. Show up anytime you want and you can be given a minimum-wage job, baby sitting for your children if needed, and maybe some referral services for temporary housing and other assistance until you get on your feet?

Social Security was transformed into a personal account, gradually over the next generation. Then when you retire, it's your money. When you die, you can pass it on to your heirs?

Government configured tax policy to favor only the nuclear family and undivorced parents?

Government was friendly to the Church, recognizing it as the most important agent for solving poverty?

Congress is made up of ordinary people from our communities who go to Washington for no more than 4 years, then come home and resume their normal lives?

Government actually enforced important laws, such as AntiTrust and Immigration, for two examples?

The tax code was reduced from the corrupt mutli-thousand-page monstrosity to a simple law no more than 20 pages long?

Tax returns for everyone were 1 page long?

Mega Corporations get no more or less preferential treatment from the government than any other business or individual?

Calling people of the opposition party "Enemies" is an impeachable offense for the President or any other elected official?

I've got lots more, but that's all I feel like posting for tonight.

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