Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Immigration Misinformation

Even the President, who if it were anybody else would be above the fray, is right in there with the irresponsible left-wing gangs who are baldly and openly lying about the immigration bill in Arizona.

My own analysis is that the Arizona law does nothing more than permit police to check immigration status on people they encounter in routine traffic stops and investigation of criminal complaints. There's really nothing dramatic about the bill, and the characterization from the President and his media machine are incendiary and shameful.

If reported polls are any indication, it seems a very large majority of people get that point. Which probably is the source of the shouted misinformation by those who follow the old Stalinist theme - repeat a lie often enough, and eventually people will accept it as the truth.

Everybody who isn't misled would have to hold only one of two positions:
  • You think everyone in the country illegally should be allowed to stay, unless they're guilty of some heinous crime, or
  • You think illegal means illegal, and anybody in the country without permission is breaking the law and should simply go home.

As I've maintained always on this issue, my siding with position #2 has nothing to do with race or country of origin. Either we are a nation of laws that puts protection of its citizens above all else, or we're no nation at all. I don't care if the person here illegally came from Mexico, Africa, Asia, or Scandanavia.

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