Thursday, April 22, 2010

Earth and Venus

The old popular book, Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus, wasn't something I ever read, but supposedly it highlighted the fact that men and women have brains that are just wired differently. It was a way of explaining why the two genders have so much difficulty understanding each other, I suppose.

There's something very similar going on in political thought, and I actually think a large part of it ties into the Mars & Venus theory, because women typically lean left and men right.

But in politics, I'm going to suggest that Conservatives are from Earth, while Liberals are from Venus.

For example, the polar opposite attitudes between earthlings and venusians on the Healthcare bill.

Venusians think the bill is terrific, because it purports to stop insurance companies from dropping coverage when their policyholders get sick. It forces them to accept new policyholders regardless of their health status. It picks up the tab for everybody who can't afford it.

Earthlings would actually agree that it would be good if everybody could afford to buy health insurance, and insurance companies should not be allowed to drop people if they get sick. But inhabitants of this world also understand there is no free lunch. Using the brains their God (whose existence is denied by Venusians) gave them, they have deduced that none of these benefits can take place without somebody footing the bill.

Unfortunately, its the Earthlings that are most likely to scratch out a living by the sweat of their own brows. And when the government shows up to promise health insurance for all, the only way they can deliver on that promise is to pay for that insurance. Earthlings know that the only way government gets the money to pay for their activities is by taking it away from them.

So government isn't simply solving a problem with access and affordability to health insurance. Instead it's using the new laws to accomplish something much more sinister: Confiscation of the fruits of Earthlings labor to hand them over to Venusians, while of course skimming off a healthy commission for themselves.

Some interesting but strange Venusian attitudes I've noticed recently also include the following:

Venutians are upset that people smoke and are too fat. So they want government to stop people from smoking and dictate what they can and cannot eat.

The strange contradiction in these attitudes is the exceptions they build in for themselves. Venutians make Earthlings' heads spin when they want to use the force of government to make people stop smoking and eat vegetables, but at the same time demand that the same goverment look the other way from their own abuse of marijuana and other "recreational" drugs.

Venutians love animals. They support laws against any development, especially if it's energy exploration, that might in any way interfere with animal habitats. Whether there's actual harm involved to any animal doesn't really matter to them. Their favorite animals, such as whales and polar bears, must be "saved" at all cost.

Venutians also object strenuously to capital punishment. They believe it's horribly inhuman to execute the most evil serial murderers.

But then they again make Earthlings' heads whiplash when the subject of abortion arises. The animal-loving, criminal-compassionate Venusians suddenly turn bloodthirsty when it comes to the execution of infants. As long as the execution takes place before that infant emerges fully from its mother's womb.

Venutians also hold contradictory attitudes about government corruption. Interestingly, when Earthling politicians were in charge, Venutians railed incessantly about Earthling corruption, even though much of that corruption existed only in their imagination.

Now that Venutians have grasped power for themselves, breathtaking corruption among their own political class is ignored. Apparently all the bribery and extortion used to pass their favored healthcare legislation is just fine with Venutians, as long as the legislation passed. Apparently sweetheart deals between their political class and the bankers and financiers that led to the current economic catastrophe gives them no pause, as long as it resulted in their ascention to power.

Venutians seem to be on a mission to eradicate all Earthlings. And so far, it seems the Earthlings are losing without putting up much of a fight.

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