Monday, March 02, 2009

Critical Thinking

In my continuing quest to influence somebody to use their brain just a bit, here are some basic questions to consider.

Is it better to have the government take money away from other people so you can have "free" medical care, which will include a government bureaucrat deciding what treatments and medications you may and may not have; or is it better to find ways to make medical care more affordable and available for everyone with minimal government meddling?

Whose rights are more important - those of homosexuals who want to get their "marriages" recognized and elevated to equal status with traditional marriage, or those of churches, clergy, and individuals of faith to avoid the force of government dictating for whom they may provide the marriage sacrament or employ as clergy, staff, or school teachers?

Would you prefer winners and losers in society to be chosen by the marketplace based on productivity, creativity, and industriousness, or chosen by the government based on race, sex or sexual orientation, and political affiliation?

Should taxes be taken by force of government from people to pay for programs they find morally represhensible?

Should individual health professionals be forced under threat of government sanctions to perform procedures or prescribe drugs they find morally reprehensible?

Should parents be denied the ability to raise their children according to their religious beliefs if those beliefs are in conflict with the government's philosophy? Does the government have the right to force children into government-run schools to insure they are indoctrinated into such philosophies?

Understanding that the big things in churches and charities get done because of generous contributions from the wealthiest among us, is it a good idea to remove all tax deductions for charitable contributions from those individuals?

Should the government give billions of taxpayer funds to organizations created for the express purpose of placing and keeping a single political party in power?

Is it more racist to strive for a truly color-blind society where anyone can succeed based on their individual merit and character, or to tell certain races that since society is somehow oppressing them, that they need to be jumped artificially to the top of the list for admission to medical or law school, given hiring preferences based on their skin color, and have the right to a government handout confiscated from working people?

If you think Global Warming is real and man-made, would it give you pause to find out that the "solutions" being implemented are designed to entrench socialist government control over your own use of energy, while enriching the proponents of these new policies (i.e. Al Gore) beyond your wildest imagination?

Does the government have the right to fund and encourage a counselor at your daughter's middle or high school to take her to an abortion clinic to vacuum out her developing fetus without your own knowledge or consent?

Is it OK to kill an otherwise viable child by collapsing its skull just before delivery simply because the mother decided she didn't want to be a parent? Is this a private matter between the mother and her abortion doctor, or first-degree homicide?

If you can't tell which political ideology I'm talking about in this post, perhaps you should try educating yourself. If you recognize the political party policies I've talked about above and don't believe I've represented their policies accurately, perhaps you need to educate yourself. If you recognize the political policies and still agree with them, please stay away, you're scaring me.

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