Monday, March 09, 2009

Being Consistent

Ever notice the mind-boggling inconsistencies by our elites?

The old one that continues to be true, "Save the Whales. Kill the babies."

Some that I'm noticing:

Ban tobacco, legalize pot.

Rehabilitate and release rapists and murderers. Unless it was a "Hate Crime", then go ahead and throw the book at them.

Abortion pills are a right. Guns must be banned.

Religion is banned from all schools. Marxism is an important part of the curriculum.

Tolerance and diversity are to be celebrated. Except in the case of white Christians.

Everyone must be forced to reduce their "carbon footprint". Except for Al Gore, who has the companies that get the exclusive government franchise to enforce energy restrictions on everyone else.

Science rules. Except when it differs from our most firmly held beliefs.

Free healthcare is a right. But we get to decide what healthcare you can or can't have.

We are the World. Of course, we're just talking about China or France.

Raise taxes on the evil rich. Um, unless they're one of Us, Hollywood or other celebrities, or big donors to Us.

Equal Rights is our top priority. Except for white or asian hetero males.

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